
Cannabis flowering phase: maximum yield and potency

Cannabis Blütephase: Maximaler Ertrag und Potenz

1. The perfect lighting: Increase your harvest by 30%

The right lighting is the key to a successful cannabis flowering phase. With the optimal light intensity and quality, you can increase your yield by up to 30%. But how do you achieve this impressive result?

The right light intensity

During the flowering phase, your plants need more intense light than during vegetative growth. Experts recommend a light intensity of 600-1000 μmol/m²/s for optimal results. To achieve this, you should use powerful LED grow lights or HPS lamps. Make sure to regularly adjust the distance between lamps and plants to avoid burns while ensuring maximum light intake.

The ideal light spectrum

During the flowering phase, cannabis plants prefer a light spectrum with a higher proportion of red. This promotes flower formation and increases resin production. Modern LED grow lights often offer adjustable spectra so that you can adapt the light perfectly to the needs of your plants. A ratio of around 5:1 between red and blue light has proven to be particularly effective.

Optimal lighting cycle

The right lighting cycle is crucial to the success of your flowering phase. Most growers swear by a 12/12 cycle: 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness. This rhythm simulates the natural conditions in late summer and autumn, which stimulates flowering to the maximum.

Growth phase Light intensity (μmol/m²/s) Lighting duration (hours)
Vegetative phase 300-600 18-24
Flowering phase 600-1000 12

Note that consistent adherence to the light cycle is crucial. Even small dips in light during the dark phase can disrupt the flowering process and, in the worst case, cause the plants to switch back to the vegetative phase.

The right lighting strategy will lay the foundation for a bountiful harvest. Experiment carefully with different settings to find the perfect balance for your specific plant varieties. Remember: Each plant is unique and may respond differently to lighting conditions. Watch your plants closely and adjust your strategy if necessary. With a little patience and attention, you will soon be able to reap the fruits of your labor in the form of plump, resinous flowers.

2. Nutrient boosters: Which fertilizers make your flowers explode

Proper nutrient supply during the flowering phase is crucial for developing large, potent cannabis flowers. With the right fertilizers and nutrients, you can unlock your plants' full potential and achieve impressive results.

Basic nutrients for the flowering phase

During the flowering phase, your plants' nutrient requirements change. While they mainly needed nitrogen during the vegetative phase, phosphorus and potassium are now the main players. A balanced NPK ratio of around 5-10-7 has proven to be ideal for most cannabis strains.

Phosphorus promotes flower formation and supports the plant's energy production. Potassium, on the other hand, strengthens the cell walls and improves water absorption, resulting in thicker, more compact buds.

Special flowering boosters

In addition to the basic nutrients, there are special flowering boosters that can take your harvest to a new level:

  • Molasses: Rich in carbohydrates that promote growth and improve flavor.
  • Calcium-magnesium supplements: Support cell structure and chlorophyll production.
  • Silicon: Strengthens plant cells and increases resistance to stress.
  • Enzymes: Accelerate nutrient degradation and absorption by the roots.

Correct dosage and timing

The dosage of your nutrients is just as important as the selection. Start with a moderate dosage in the early flowering phase and gradually increase. About two weeks before harvest, you should start "flushing" - flushing out the nutrients with pure water to improve the flavor.

Flowering week NPK ratio Additives
1-2 5-10-7 Calcium-Magnesium
3-6 3-15-10 Bloom Booster, Silicon
7-8 2-8-4 Enzymes, molasses
9-10 Only water -

Note that these values ​​are guidelines and must be adjusted depending on the variety and growing conditions. Watch your plants closely for signs of over- or under-fertilization and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Organic vs. Mineral

Choosing between organic and mineral fertilizers is often a matter of personal preference. Organic fertilizers slowly build healthy soil and provide a complex nutrient profile, while mineral fertilizers offer more precise control and faster results. Many experienced growers combine both approaches for optimal results.

With the right nutritional strategy, you can significantly increase the growth and quality of your cannabis flowers. Experiment carefully with different products and dosages to find the perfect mix for your plants. Remember: less is often more, especially when it comes to nutrients. With a little patience and attention, you will soon be able to harvest lush, resin-rich flowers that exceed your expectations.

3. Temperature & Humidity: The golden path to fat buds

Controlling temperature and humidity is an often underestimated but crucial factor in developing plump, resin-rich cannabis flowers. With the right settings, you can optimize the growth of your plants and avoid problems such as mold or nutrient deficiencies.

Optimal temperature during flowering

During the flowering phase, cannabis plants prefer slightly cooler temperatures than in the vegetative phase. Daytime temperatures between 20°C and 26°C are ideal. At night it can be a little cooler, around 18°C ​​to 22°C. This temperature fluctuation simulates natural conditions and can stimulate resin production.

Note that temperatures above 30°C can slow growth and affect the quality of the flowers, while temperatures below 15°C can stop growth and make the plants more susceptible to disease.

The right humidity

The optimal humidity changes during the flowering phase. At the beginning it should be between 50% and 60%. In the last weeks before harvest it is advisable to lower the humidity to 40-50%. This reduces the risk of mold formation and promotes resin production.

Flowering week Ideal temperature (day) Ideal temperature (night) humidity
1-3 24-26°C 20-22°C 55-60%
4-6 22-24°C 18-20°C 50-55%
7-9 20-22°C 18-20°C 45-50%
10+ 20-22°C 18-20°C 40-45%

Air circulation and CO2

Good air circulation is essential for healthy flowers. It helps regulate humidity and prevents mold growth. Install fans that gently blow over your plants without moving them too much.

In addition, an increased CO2 concentration can significantly increase growth and flower production. Indoors, you can increase CO2 levels to 1000-1500 ppm. However, keep in mind that this is only effective with optimal lighting and nutrient supply.

Control and adjustment

Invest in reliable temperature and humidity measuring devices. Check the readings regularly and adjust your settings if necessary. Air conditioners, dehumidifiers and humidifiers can help you create and maintain the ideal conditions.

Remember: every growing environment is unique. Factors like room size, number of plants, and lighting used will affect the climate. Experiment carefully and see how your plants respond. Over time, you will develop a feel for what settings work best in your setup.

Controlling temperature and humidity may seem complicated at first, but it is the key to healthy, potent flowers. With a little practice and attention, you will find the perfect balance and enjoy lush, resin-rich buds. Stay patient, observe closely, and continually adapt your strategy - your plants will thank you with a first-class harvest!

4. Pruning & Training: Shape your plant for maximum output

Pruning and training your cannabis plants during the flowering phase can significantly increase the yield and quality of your harvest. With the right techniques, you can shape your plants to make the most of the available light and develop strong, dense buds.

Lollipopping: Concentration on the tips

A popular method is known as "lollipopping". This involves removing the lower branches and leaves that receive little light. This directs the plant's energy to the upper areas, where the largest and most potent flowers develop. Perform this technique at the beginning of the flowering phase to give the plants enough time to recover.

Defoliation: Less is sometimes more

Targeted leaf removal, also known as defoliation, can improve light penetration and increase air circulation. Be careful though: only remove about 20-30% of the leaves and focus on the larger fan leaves that block light from the flower heads. Perform defoliation in two phases: once at the beginning of the flowering phase and a second time after about 3 weeks.

Supercropping: Stress for more growth

Supercropping is an advanced technique where you gently squeeze and bend the stems without breaking them. This can improve the supply of nutrients to the upper parts of the plant and result in thicker, stronger buds. Only use this method in the first few weeks of the flowering phase to give the plant enough time to heal.

Technology time Advantages
Lollipop popping Beginning of the flowering phase Concentration on main flowers, better air circulation
Defoliation Week 1 and 3 of flowering Improved light penetration, reduced risk of mold
Supercropping First 2-3 weeks of flowering Stronger stems, increased nutrient supply to the buds

Scrog technique: maximum use of space

The Screen of Green (ScrOG) method uses a net to spread the plant shoots horizontally. This creates an even canopy and maximizes light intake. Start in the late vegetative phase and continue through the first few weeks of flowering. Regularly pass new shoots through the net until about halfway through flowering.

Gentle bending and tying

Sometimes less is more. Gently bending and tying branches can improve light distribution without putting too much stress on the plant. Use soft plant ties or garden twine to gently guide branches into the desired position. This method is especially useful for creating an even canopy and minimizing light shadows.

Timing and caution are crucial

The rule for all training methods is that the further into the flowering phase, the more cautious you should be. Heavy intervention in the late weeks of flowering can reduce yield and delay ripening. Focus on minimal adjustments in the final weeks and give your plants time to develop.

Always remember: every plant is unique and responds differently to training. Observe your plants closely and adapt your techniques accordingly. With a little practice and patience, you will find the perfect balance between control and natural growth. The result will reward you with lush, evenly distributed flowers that exploit the full potential of your cannabis plants.

5. Harvest timing: The decisive moment for THC records

Timing your harvest is the crowning achievement of your efforts during the flowering phase. It determines the potency, taste and effect of your cannabis. With the perfect harvest time, you can maximize the THC content and achieve a product of the highest quality.

The trichomes as an indicator

The most reliable way to determine the optimal harvest time is to observe the trichomes. These small, mushroom-shaped glands on the flowers go through different stages of maturity:

  • Clear: The trichomes are transparent. The plant is not yet ready for harvest.
  • Milky: The trichomes become opaque white. The THC content increases.
  • Amber: Some trichomes turn amber. The peak of the THC content has been reached.

For the highest THC content, harvest when about 70-80% of the trichomes are milky and 20-30% are amber. Use a jeweler's loupe or microscope to closely observe the trichomes.

The role of the pestle

The color of the pistil (flower hairs) can also provide information about ripeness. At first they are white, but over time they turn reddish-brown. The rule of thumb is:

Pistil color Maturity stage Expected effect
50-70% brown Early harvest Energetic, clear high
70-90% brown Peak harvest Balanced high, maximum THC content
90-100% brown Late harvest Relaxing, sedative effect

Pay attention to genetics and breeder information

Different cannabis strains have different flowering times. Indica-dominant strains often mature faster than sativa-dominant strains. Check the breeder's information on average flowering time, but don't rely on it alone. Environmental factors can affect the actual maturity time.

The influence of harvest time on the effect

The chosen harvest time not only influences the THC content, but also the ratio to other cannabinoids such as CBD. This can significantly change the effect of the final product:

  • Early Harvest: Tends to be energetic, heady high
  • Peak harvest: balanced effect with maximum THC content
  • Late harvest: Stronger body-focused, relaxing effect

Gradual harvest for maximum yield

Instead of harvesting the whole plant at once, consider a gradual harvest. Start with the top, more mature buds and let the lower ones mature a little longer. This will maximize the overall yield and give you flowers with slightly different effect profiles.

Preparing for the harvest

In the last 1-2 weeks before the planned harvest, you should do "flushing" - watering with only pure water to flush out excess nutrients. This significantly improves flavor and smoke quality.

The perfect harvest time is an art that requires experience and patience. Watch your plants closely, document your observations, and learn from each growing cycle. Over time, you will develop a sense of when your plants have reached their full potential. Remember: a few days too early or too late can make the difference between good buds and outstanding ones. Take the time your plants need, and you will be rewarded with a harvest that exceeds all your expectations.


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