
Cannabis LST technique: Gentle bending for top yields

Cannabis LST Technik: Sanft biegen für Top-Erträge

LST Basics: Why Gentle Bending Will Revolutionize Your Harvest

Do you want to take your cannabis harvest to a whole new level? Then the Low Stress Training (LST) technique is just right for you! This revolutionary method not only promises more abundant harvests, but also protects your plants. But what exactly is behind this miracle cure for cannabis cultivation?

What is LST actually?

LST stands for "Low Stress Training" - and the name says it all. With this technique, you gently bend your cannabis plants in the desired direction without causing them stress or damage. The goal? Optimal use of light for all parts of the plant, which leads to more even growth and ultimately to higher yields.

The advantages of LST at a glance

  • Increased light absorption: Bending allows more areas of the plant to reach the valuable light.
  • Uniform growth: No more dominant cola tips - instead many equal inflorescences.
  • Space saving: Ideal for growers with limited space or low ceiling height.
  • Stress-free method: In contrast to more aggressive techniques, the plant is hardly stressed.
  • Higher yields: Thanks to the optimized structure, you can achieve up to 30% more yield!

The LST technique cleverly exploits the natural growth behavior of cannabis. Plants naturally strive towards the light. By gently bending the main shoots to the side, you encourage the growth of the lower branches. The result? A bushier plant with more productive buds.

LST vs. traditional growth

aspect Traditional growth LST method
Plant form Christmas tree-like Bushy and broad
Light utilization Mainly upper areas Evenly distributed
Yield standard Up to 30% higher
Space requirement High (vertical) Low (horizontal)

With LST you not only revolutionize your harvest, but also your entire cultivation method. You give your plants the opportunity to develop their full potential without overtaxing them. It is a symbiosis of nature and human intervention that delivers impressive results.

Are you ready to take your cannabis cultivation to the next level? In the following sections, you will learn step by step how to perfectly implement the LST technique and which tools you need to do it. Let's maximize your harvest together!

The perfect time: When you should start with LST (and when not!)

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to the LST technique in cannabis. Getting it right can make the difference between a good harvest and a sensational one. But don't worry, I'll tell you exactly when you should get started - and when it's better to stay away.

The ideal starting point for LST

The perfect time to start your LST adventure is when your plant is about 3-4 weeks old or has developed 5-6 nodes (leaf buds). At this stage, it is young and flexible enough to be gently bent, but already strong enough to withstand the manipulation.

  • Plant height: Ideally 15-20 cm
  • Stem diameter: About pencil thick
  • Leaf development: At least 3-4 fully developed pairs of leaves

Note: The earlier you start LST, the more control you have over the final shape of your plant. However, you should not start too early, as very young plants can still be too fragile.

When you should stay away from LST

There are situations where LST does more harm than good. Here are some no-go scenarios:

  • Too young: Plants under 2 weeks old or with less than 3 nodes are too fragile.
  • Flowering phase: If your plant is already flowering, it is too late for LST.
  • Stressed plants: If you notice signs of nutrient deficiencies or diseases, you should first correct these problems.
  • Autoflowering strains: These have a limited growing season and benefit less from LST.

LST during different growth phases

phase LST suitability Notes
Seedling (0-2 weeks) Not suitable Too fragile for manipulation
Early vegetation (3-4 weeks) Optimal Perfect for starting LST
Late vegetation Good Continuation of the LST technology
Pre-flowering Last chance Careful adjustments possible
blossom Not recommended Focus on flower development

Continuous LST application

Remember: LST is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. After you have started the initial bending, you should check and adjust your plant regularly. About every 3-4 days you can gently guide new growth tips in the desired direction.

Over time, you will develop a feeling for when your plants need adjustment. Look for signals like:

  • New shoots reaching upwards
  • Uneven growth of individual branches
  • Areas that receive less light

The more experience you gain, the more intuitive the whole process will become for you. And don't forget: every plant is unique. What works for one may not necessarily be ideal for the next. Observe, learn and adapt your technique accordingly.

With this knowledge of the right time, you are well equipped to start your LST journey. In the next section, I will show you which tools you need for a professional LST application. Stay tuned - your mega harvest is getting closer and closer!

LST tools: These 3 tools you need for professional results

Ready to start shaping your cannabis plants using the LST technique? Great! Before you get started, let's take a look at the essential tools that will make you an LST pro. With the right equipment, gently bending your plants will be a breeze.

1. Soft plant binders: The be-all and end-all for gentle LST

The key to successful LST is to treat your plants gently. Soft, flexible plant ties are essential for this. They allow you to gently move the branches into the desired position without damaging the delicate bark.

  • Material: Choose binders made of fabric, foam or soft plastic
  • Width: 1-2 cm wide for optimal pressure distribution
  • Length: Different lengths for different plant sizes

Pro tip: Avoid wire or harsh strings as these can injure your plant!

2. Holes in the pot rim: Your anchor for perfect bends

To shape your plant effectively, you need anchor points. The easiest solution? Drill small holes in the edge of your plant pot. This way you can securely fix the plant ties and have full control over the direction of growth.

  • Hole size: About 3-5 mm diameter
  • Distance: Every 5-7 cm around the pot edge
  • Tools: A simple hand drill or heated nail is sufficient

Caution: Make sure that the holes do not affect the stability of the pot.

3. Small wooden or bamboo sticks: your helpers for targeted support

Sometimes individual branches or new shoots need additional support. This is where small wooden or bamboo sticks come into play. They help you to precisely align certain areas of your plant.

  • Length: 15-30 cm, depending on plant size
  • Material: Untreated wood or bamboo
  • Application: Carefully insert into the soil and gently fix branches to it

LST tool set at a glance

Tool function importance
Soft plant ties Gently fixing the branches Essential
Holes in the pot rim Anchor points for binders Very important
Wooden/bamboo sticks Targeted support Useful
Scissors Cutting binders Practical
Gloves Protection at work Recommended

Bonus tip: The power of observation

However, your most important tool is not material: it is your eyes and your instinct for your plants. Watch closely how your cannabis plants react to the LST treatment. Over time, you will develop an intuitive understanding of when and where adjustments are necessary.

Remember: quality over quantity. It is better to invest in a few high-quality tools than to buy many cheap ones that could potentially harm your plants.

With these three main tools - soft plant ties, strategically placed holes and support rods - you are well equipped to train your cannabis plants like a pro. In the next section, I'll show you step by step how to use these tools to bend your plants like a real expert. Stay tuned - your journey to becoming an LST master has only just begun!

Step-by-step instructions: How to bend your plants like an expert

Now it gets exciting! You have your tools ready and your plants are at the perfect stage. It's time to put the LST technique into practice. Follow this detailed guide and you'll soon be shaping your cannabis plants like a pro.

Step 1: Preparation is everything

Before you start, make sure you have everything you need ready:

  • Soft plant ties
  • Scissors for cutting the binders
  • Small wooden or bamboo sticks
  • Clean gloves (optional but recommended)

Important: Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid the transmission of pathogens.

Step 2: Bend the main stem

  1. Identify the main stem of your plant.
  2. Choose a point about 10-15 cm below the tip.
  3. Carefully bend the trunk to the side at a 90-degree angle.
  4. Fix it to the edge of the pot with a soft tie.

Pro tip: Bend slowly and carefully. If you hear a crack, you've overdone it!

Step 3: Align secondary shoots

After bending the main shoot, the secondary shoots will orient themselves upwards. Now is the time to shape these as well:

  1. Wait 1-2 days until the side shoots have straightened up.
  2. Carefully bend each side shoot outwards.
  3. Fix them with ties so that they are evenly distributed.

Step 4: Regular adjustments

LST is an ongoing process. Check your plants every 2-3 days and adjust the bindings:

  • Loosen any ties that are too tight to avoid constrictions.
  • Gently bend new growth tips outward.
  • Remove binders from areas that have solidified.

Step 5: The art of the even canopy

Your goal is to create a canopy that is as flat as possible. Here are a few tricks to help you do this:

  • Tie taller growing shoots lower.
  • Leave weaker shoots untied so they can catch up.
  • Rotate the pot regularly to encourage even growth.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Mistake impact Solution
Excessive bending Trunk or branch breakage Bend slowly and carefully
Ties too close Constrictions, growth disorders Loosen and adjust regularly
Neglect of the lower branches Uneven growth Include all areas of the plant
Starting too late Less effective shaping Start in the early vegetation phase

Completion and transition to flowering

When your plant has reached the desired shape and you are ready to move on to the flowering phase:

  1. Make sure all shoots are well secured.
  2. Carefully remove binder from areas that have solidified.
  3. Be prepared to make minor adjustments during early bloom.

Remember: every plant is unique. What works for one may not be ideal for the next. Watch closely how your plants respond and adjust your technique accordingly.

With this step-by-step guide, you're now well equipped to shape your cannabis plants like an expert. In the next section, we'll compare LST to other techniques and show you why LST is often the best choice for maximum yields. Stay tuned - you're well on your way to becoming a true LST master!

LST vs. other techniques: Why LST is your secret weapon for XXL harvests

You've now gained a deep insight into the world of low stress training. But how does LST compare to other popular growing techniques? Let's take a look at why LST often comes out on top and how it differs from other methods.

LST vs High Stress Training (HST)

While LST relies on gentle bending, HST takes a more radical approach:

  • HST includes techniques such as topping (removing the tip) or supercropping (controlled breaking of the stems).
  • LST is gentler and reduces the risk of plant damage or growth delays.
  • HST can lead to faster changes in shape, but carries higher risks.

Conclusion: LST is the safer choice, especially for beginners and for sensitive varieties.

LST vs Screen of Green (ScrOG)

ScrOG uses a net to distribute the plant horizontally:

  • Both methods aim at an even distribution of light.
  • ScrOG often requires more space and preparation.
  • LST offers more flexibility and is easier to customize.

Pro tip: LST combines perfectly with ScrOG for even better results!

LST vs. natural growth

Let’s look at the advantages of LST over natural growth:

aspect Natural growth LST
Light utilization Uneven Optimized
Space efficiency Small amount High
Yield per plant standard Up to 30% higher
Control over growth form Minimal Maximum

Why LST is often the best choice

  1. Low stress: LST minimizes stress to the plant, resulting in faster recovery and more continuous growth.
  2. Flexibility: You can make adjustments at any time without harming the plant.
  3. Control: LST gives you precise control over the shape and size of your plants.
  4. Discretion: The ability to limit the height makes LST ideal for concealed cultivation.
  5. Efficiency: Maximum use of available light and space.

Combination options

The best thing about LST? It combines well with other techniques:

  • LST + Topping: For even bushier plants
  • LST + ScrOG: Perfect control over the canopy
  • LST + Lollipopping: Focus on the upper, high-yield areas

When other techniques can be useful

Despite all the advantages, there are situations where other methods may be more suitable:

  • For very short growing seasons, HST can deliver faster results.
  • For very large indoor systems, ScrOG may be more efficient.
  • For autoflowering strains, natural growth or very careful LST is often best.

Ultimately, choosing the right technique depends on your specific conditions, goals, and cannabis strain of choice. However, LST offers a unique combination of effectiveness, low risk, and flexibility that makes it a top choice for many growers.

Your path to becoming an LST master

Now that you know the benefits of LST and how it differs from other techniques, you are ready to perfect your skills. Remember:

  • Be patient and watch closely how your plants react.
  • Experiment with different LST variations to find your perfect style.
  • Document your results to continuously learn.

With LST, you have a powerful technique in your grower's arsenal. It may take a little practice at first, but the results - lusher, higher-yielding plants - speak for themselves. So, what are you waiting for? Your cannabis plants crave your gentle but firm guidance. Become an LST master and achieve harvests that others can only dream of!


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