Zucht & Klonen

Caring for cannabis mother plants: the basis for top clones

Cannabis Mutterpflanzen pflegen: Basis für Top-Klone

1. Mastering the basics: Optimal conditions for your cannabis mother plant

To grow successful cannabis mother plants, you must first perfect the basic growing conditions. These plants will form the basis for all your future clones, so it is crucial to provide them with the best possible environment.

Light: The key to success

Your mother plants need enough light to grow healthy and strong. Use powerful LED grow lamps with a broad spectrum. Maintain a light rhythm of 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This prevents the plant from entering the flowering phase and promotes steady vegetative growth.

Temperature and humidity at a glance

Pay close attention to the ambient temperature and humidity. Cannabis mother plants thrive best in:

  • Temperature: 20-25°C during the day, 18-22°C at night
  • Humidity: 50-70%

Invest in a quality thermometer and hygrometer to keep an eye on these readings. A consistent environment is key to healthy and stress-free mother plants.

Choosing the right substrate

Choose a loose, well-aerated substrate for your mother plants. A mixture of coconut fiber, perlite and high-quality potting soil has proven to be effective. This substrate provides optimal conditions for root growth and facilitates nutrient absorption.

Irrigation: Less is often more

Overwatering is a common mistake when caring for cannabis mother plants. Only water when the top layer of soil is dry. Always use water with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5 to ensure optimal nutrient absorption.

factor Optimal range
Light duration 18 hours on / 6 hours off
Temperature (day) 20-25°C
Temperature (night) 18-22°C
humidity 50-70%
pH value (water) 6.0-6.5

By mastering these basic factors, you will create the perfect environment for your cannabis mother plants. They will thank you with vigorous growth and healthy shoots that are ideal for cloning. In the next section, we will focus on providing optimal nutrients to maximize the potential of your mother plants.

2. Perfecting nutrient supply: The key to healthy and productive mother plants

A balanced supply of nutrients is the be-all and end-all for vital cannabis mother plants. It forms the basis for strong growth and the production of healthy clones. Let's delve deeper into the world of plant nutrition.

Understanding the NPK formula

Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the main nutrients your mother plants need. For vegetative growth, a higher nitrogen level is crucial. An ideal NPK formula for mother plants could be 5-2-3 or 6-3-4. Make sure that the nitrogen level is always higher than the other two.

Secondary nutrients and trace elements

In addition to NPK, calcium, magnesium and sulphur also play an important role. Trace elements such as iron, manganese and zinc are also essential. Many high-quality fertilizers for mother plants already contain a balanced mixture of these elements.

Create a fertilization plan

Develop a structured fertilization plan for your mother plants. Start with a low dosage and increase it slowly. A sample plan might look like this:

  • Week 1-2: 1/4 of the recommended dose
  • Week 3-4: 1/2 the recommended dose
  • From week 5: full recommended dose

Watch your plants closely and adjust the dosage if necessary. Over-fertilization can be just as harmful as nutrient deficiencies.

pH value and nutrient absorption

The pH value of the substrate has a significant influence on nutrient uptake. For mother plants in soil, it should be between 6.0 and 6.5. Measure the pH value regularly and correct it if necessary with special pH regulators.

nutrient function Deficiency symptoms
Nitrogen (N) Leaf development, growth Yellowish lower leaves
Phosphorus (P) Root growth, energy transfer Dark leaf edges, slow growth
Potassium (K) Stress resistance, water balance Brown leaf edges, weak stems

Organic vs. mineral fertilizers

You can choose between organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers build up the soil and promote the microbiome, while mineral fertilizers work faster and can be dosed more precisely. A combination of both is often recommended for mother plants.

Foliar fertilization as a supplement

Supplement your soil fertilization with occasional foliar fertilization. This method allows for rapid nutrient absorption through the leaves and can be particularly helpful in cases of deficiency. Use special foliar fertilizers and make sure to spray the undersides of the leaves.

An optimal supply of nutrients is the key to healthy, robust mother plants. It forms the basis for strong shoots that are ideal for creating clones. In the next section, we will look at how you can further optimize the growth of your mother plants through clever pruning and shaping.

3. Pruning and shaping: How to promote lush growth and strong clones

Properly pruning and shaping your cannabis mother plants is an art in itself. Not only does it encourage bushy growth, but it also increases the number of potential clones. Let's take a closer look at the most important techniques and tips.

The timing is crucial

Start pruning when your mother plant is about 30cm tall and has developed at least 5-6 pairs of nodes. This gives it enough time to build a strong root system. After that, prune regularly every 2-3 weeks to encourage compact growth.

Topping: The key to more shoots

Topping is a basic technique where you remove the top of the main stem. This encourages the plant to grow two new main stems. Repeat this process to get a bushier plant with more potential clone sources.

Here’s how to make the topping:

  1. Wait until the plant has 5-6 pairs of nodes.
  2. Cut the tip above the 4th or 5th pair of nodes.
  3. Use clean, sharp scissors to minimize injury.
  4. The plant will now develop two new main shoots.

FIMing: A variation of topping

FIMing (F**k, I Missed) is a less aggressive variation of topping. Instead of removing the entire shoot, you only cut off about 75% of the top. This can result in 3-4 new main shoots and is especially useful if you need more clone material quickly.

Low-Stress Training (LST)

LST is a gentle method to allow your mother plant to grow outwards. Carefully bend the branches outwards and secure them with soft plant ties. This promotes even growth and increases the light absorption of the lower shoots.

Lollipopping for strong upper shoots

Lollipopping involves removing the lower, weaker shoots and leaves. This directs the plant's energy to the upper, stronger shoots, which are better suited as clone material. Remove about the bottom third of the plant, but never more than 30% of the total foliage.

Technology Advantages Best application
Topping More main shoots, bushier growth Every 2-3 weeks
FIMing Faster recovery, more potential shoots If required for quick cloning material
LST Uniform growth, better light absorption Continuously during growth
Lollipop popping Stronger upper shoots, better clone material Every 3-4 weeks

Care after pruning

After each pruning, your mother plant needs special attention:

  • Reduce nutrient intake slightly to minimize stress.
  • Keep the humidity a little higher to promote healing.
  • Watch the plant closely for signs of stress or disease.

By skilfully pruning and shaping, you create optimal conditions for healthy, productive mother plants. Not only do you increase the number of potential clones, but you also encourage strong, bushy growth. In the next section, we will address the important topic of disease and pest control in order to protect your valuable genetics in the long term.

4. Effectively combat diseases and pests: Protect your valuable genetics

Your cannabis mother plants are a precious commodity. They preserve valuable genetics and form the basis for all future generations. Therefore, it is crucial to protect them from diseases and pests. In this section, you will learn how to identify problems early and combat them effectively.

Prevention is the best protection

The key to keeping your mother plants healthy is prevention. The following measures will help you:

  • Keep the grow room meticulously clean and disinfect regularly.
  • Control temperature and humidity carefully to prevent mold growth.
  • Use only sterile tools when pruning and cloning.
  • Only introduce new plants after a quarantine period.
  • Install air filters to keep out spores and insects.

Detect and treat common diseases

Despite the best precautions, illnesses can occur. Here are some of the most common problems and their solutions:

Illness Symptoms Treatment
mildew White, powdery coating on leaves Increase air circulation, spray with sodium bicarbonate solution
Grey mould (Botrytis) Gray, furry spots on stems and leaves Remove infested parts, reduce humidity
Root rot Wilted leaves, brown roots Improve drainage, reduce irrigation

Identify and control pests

Pests can multiply quickly and weaken your mother plants. Be alert and act immediately at the first signs:

Spider mites

These tiny parasites leave fine webs and yellow spots on the leaves. Fight them with neem oil or organic predatory mites.


They suck the plant sap and secrete sticky honeydew. A solution of water and mild soap can help wash them off.


These small insects cause silvery spots on the leaves. Blue sticky traps and predatory mites are effective countermeasures.

Biological control methods

For mother plants, gentle, biological methods are often the best choice. They protect the plant and leave no harmful residues:

  • Beneficial insects such as ladybirds or lacewings against aphids
  • Neem oil as a natural broad-spectrum insecticide
  • Diatomaceous earth against crawling insects
  • Garlic extract as a natural fungicide

Chemical agents - only in emergencies

Only resort to chemical pesticides in extreme emergencies. They can have a long-term negative impact on the health of your mother plants and reduce the quality of the clones. If you use them, follow the instructions strictly and observe the waiting times before the next clone harvest.

Regular inspection is key

Get into the habit of inspecting your mother plants thoroughly every day. Pay particular attention to:

  • Discoloration or spots on leaves
  • Unusual growth forms or wilted shoots
  • Small insects or their eggs, especially on the underside of leaves
  • Sticky residues or fine webs

The sooner you spot a problem, the easier it is to treat. Acting quickly can make the difference between a healthy mother plant and a complete loss.

By mastering these disease and pest control strategies, you will ensure the long-term health and productivity of your cannabis mother plants. In the next and final section, we will look at when and how to rejuvenate or replace your mother plants for optimal results every time.

5. Rejuvenation and replacement: When and how to renew your mother plants

Even the best cannabis mother plant ages over time. To consistently produce high-quality clones, you need to know when it's time for rejuvenation or a complete replacement. In this section, you'll learn how to keep your mother plants in top condition and when it's time to change generations.

Signs of aging in mother plants

Look for the following signs that indicate an aging mother plant:

  • Slowed growth despite optimal care
  • Thinner, less vital shoots
  • Increased susceptibility to diseases and pests
  • Reduced cloning success
  • Uneven leaf growth or discoloration

Rejuvenation techniques for mother plants

Before you completely replace a mother plant, try to rejuvenate it. Here are some effective methods:

1. Radical pruning

Cut the plant back to about one-third its size. This encourages new, vigorous growth and can extend its life by months.

2. Repotting and root pruning

Carefully remove the plant from the pot, trim about 20% of the roots and plant it in fresh substrate. This will encourage the formation of new, healthy roots.

3. Nutrient reset

Rinse the substrate thoroughly with clean water and then begin a light fertilization schedule as if it were a young plant.

The right time for an exchange

Despite rejuvenation measures, there comes a point at which replacement is unavoidable. In general, you should consider growing new mother plants every 6-12 months. The exact timing depends on the following factors:

factor Recommendation for exchange
Age of the plant After 12-18 months
Clone quality With noticeably decreasing rooting rate
Growth rate If it drops despite optimal care
Disease resistance For frequent or persistent infections

Step by step towards generational change

If you have decided to exchange, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the best clone of the current mother plant and grow it separately.
  2. Take extra care of this clone to ensure optimal growth.
  3. Once the new candidate is strong enough, start harvesting clones for your main production.
  4. Keep the old mother plant for a few weeks as a backup in case problems arise.
  5. Once the new mother plant has proven itself, remove the old plant completely.

Maintaining genetic diversity

To maintain the quality and resilience of your cannabis line over the long term, you should occasionally introduce new genetics. This can be done by buying new seeds or exchanging them with other breeders. Always test new genetics on a small scale first before incorporating them into your main production.

Documentation is key

Keep a detailed log of your mother plants. Note important data such as:

  • Date of introduction or last exchange
  • Rejuvenation measures and their results
  • Cloning successes over time
  • Special characteristics or behaviour of the plant

This information will help you make informed decisions about future rejuvenations or replacements.

By regularly rejuvenating and replacing your cannabis mother plants in a timely manner, you ensure that your cultivation always remains at the highest level. This not only guarantees the quality of your clones, but also the long-term health and productivity of your entire cannabis cultivation.

Armed with this knowledge, you are now well equipped to take care of your mother plants, rejuvenate them and replace them when necessary. Your diligence will be rewarded with healthy, productive plants and top-quality clones.


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