Outdoor- & Gewächshausanbau

Cannabis Outdoor Growing Calendar: Perfect Timing

Cannabis Outdoor Anbaukalender: Perfektes Timing

1. The perfect sowing: timing is everything

When it comes to growing cannabis outdoors, the right time to sow is crucial. Perfect timing can make the difference between a meager harvest and a bountiful one. Start your growing season by familiarizing yourself with the climatic conditions of your region.

The ideal sowing time

In most regions of Central Europe, the best time to sow cannabis outdoors is between mid-April and early May. Make sure that nighttime temperatures are consistently above 10°C and that late frosts are no longer expected. Starting too early can result in your plants being damaged by the cold, while starting too late will shorten the growth period.

Here is a rough schedule for your orientation:

Month action
March Order seeds, prepare equipment
April Pre-germination of seeds, preparation of soil
May Planting outdoors

Pre-germination for a head start

To give your plants the best start, we recommend pre-germinating the seeds. To do this, place them between damp paper towels and store them in a warm, dark place. After 24-72 hours, small white roots should be visible. Now you can carefully plant the seedlings in prepared pots or directly outdoors.

Note: Depending on the cannabis strain, the ideal sowing time may vary. Autoflowering strains are less dependent on light and can be sown later in the year. Always check the specific requirements of your chosen strain.

Soil preparation for optimal growth

Well-prepared soil is the foundation for healthy, productive cannabis plants. Loosen the soil to a depth of at least 30 cm and mix in high-quality compost. Cannabis thrives best in a slightly acidic to neutral pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Test the pH of your soil and adjust it if necessary.

With the right timing and thorough preparation, you lay the foundation for a successful outdoor growing season. Monitor your plants carefully and adapt your care to their changing needs to unlock the full potential of your cannabis plants.

2. Care Guide: How to make your plants bloom

After you have successfully sown your cannabis plants, the important phase of care begins. Proper care is crucial to getting your plants to flower and achieve optimal yields. Here you will learn what is important in the different growth phases.

The vegetative phase

In the vegetative phase, your plants focus on growth and leaf formation. This phase usually lasts 4-8 weeks. During this time, your plants need:

  • Sufficient sunlight (at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily)
  • Regular watering (the soil should be moist but not waterlogged)
  • Nutrients with increased nitrogen content for strong growth

Tip: Prune your plants regularly to encourage bushier growth and increase yields.

The transition to flowering

Cannabis plants begin to flower when the length of daylight decreases. In Central Europe, this usually happens from mid to late August. Autoflowering varieties begin flowering regardless of the length of light.

During this transition period, it is important to adjust the nutrient supply. Reduce the nitrogen content and increase the phosphorus and potassium content to support flower formation.

The flowering phase

The flowering phase is the high point of cultivation and lasts 6-12 weeks depending on the variety. During this time, the coveted THC-rich flowers form. For a successful flowering, note the following points:

factor measure
Light At least 8 hours of direct sunlight daily
Water Reduce the amount of water slightly, but do not let the plants dry out
Nutrients Special flower fertilizers with high phosphorus and potassium content

Stress management for healthy plants

Stress can affect flowering and reduce yield. Pay particular attention to:

  • Pest infestation: Check your plants regularly and act immediately at the first signs
  • Weather extremes: Protect your plants in heavy rain or heat with suitable covers
  • Overfertilization: Follow the dosage recommendations carefully to avoid nutrient burn

Careful care during the different growth phases is the key to healthy, flowering cannabis plants. Watch your plants carefully and react quickly to changes. With a little experience and patience, you will soon be able to reap the fruits of your labor.

3. Harvest time: How to tell if your buds are ripe

Harvesting is the long-awaited highlight of your cannabis cultivation. The right time is crucial for the quality and effect of your end product. But how do you know when your buds are perfectly ripe? Here you will find out the most important signs and techniques for the optimal harvest time.

Colour changes of the trichomes

The safest way to determine the maturity of your cannabis flowers is to observe the trichomes. These tiny, mushroom-shaped glands produce the valuable cannabinoids and terpenes. Use a magnifying glass or microscope to check the color of the trichomes:

  • Clear: not yet ripe
  • Milky white: optimal THC content
  • Amber: CBN content increases, more calming effect

For most consumers, the ideal harvest time is when about 70-80% of the trichomes are milky white and 20-30% are amber.

Changes in the flower pistil

Another way to assess ripeness is to look at the flower pistils. These hair-like structures change over the course of the flowering period:

Pistil color Maturity stage
White Immature
50% brown Early harvest possible
70-80% brown Optimal harvest time
>90% brown Overripe

Further signs of maturity

In addition to trichomes and pistils, there are other clues that can help you determine when to harvest:

  • Leaves turn yellow and fall off
  • Buds feel firm and compact
  • Intense smell of plants
  • Slowed growth of flowers

The right harvest time for different effects

Depending on the desired effect, you can vary the harvest time slightly:

  • Early harvest (more white pistillate): more energetic, "top-heavy" effect
  • Late harvest (more amber trichomes): stronger physical, relaxing effect

Remember that each cannabis strain has its own characteristics. Learn about the specific characteristics of the strain you are growing to determine the perfect time to harvest.

With a little experience and careful observation, you will quickly recognize the ideal moment for your harvest. Take the time to examine your plants regularly and you will be rewarded with high-quality, potent buds. Remember, patience pays off - harvesting too early can significantly affect the quality and effects of your cannabis.

4. Pests & diseases: Detect and combat them early

When growing cannabis outdoors, your plants are exposed to various pest and disease threats. Early detection and quick response are crucial to protecting your crop. In this section, you'll learn about the most common problems and how to combat them effectively.

Common pests in the cannabis garden

The following pests can attack your plants:

  • Spider mites
  • Aphids
  • Thrips
  • Whiteflies
  • Caterpillars

Look for small dots on the leaves, discolored or curled leaves and fine webs. These are often the first signs of an infestation. Regularly check the undersides of the leaves, where many pests like to hide.

Pest control

When controlling pests, you should use biological methods wherever possible:

pest Control method
Spider mites Neem oil, predatory mites
Aphids Ladybug, garlic spray
Thrips Beneficial nematodes, blue sticky traps
Whiteflies Yellow sticky traps, parasitic wasps
Caterpillars Manual removal, Bacillus thuringiensis

Common diseases associated with cannabis

In addition to pests, various diseases can also attack your plants:

  • Mildew (white, powdery spots on leaves)
  • Botrytis (grey mould, especially in wet periods)
  • Fusarium (wilting and discoloration of the stems)
  • Leaf septoria (brown spots with yellow edges)

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Prevention is particularly important for plant diseases:

  1. Ensure good air circulation between the plants
  2. Avoid overwatering and standing water
  3. Keep the garden free of dead plant parts
  4. Use disease-resistant varieties if possible

At the first signs of illness, act immediately:

  • Remove affected plant parts carefully
  • Improve air circulation around the plants
  • If necessary, use biological fungicides such as neem oil or baking soda spray

Detecting nutrient deficiencies

Sometimes symptoms that look like disease or pest infestation can actually indicate nutrient deficiencies. Look for the following signs:

  • Yellowish leaves (nitrogen deficiency)
  • Brown leaf edges (potassium deficiency)
  • Purple stems (phosphorus deficiency)

If you suspect a nutrient deficiency, check the pH of your soil and adjust the fertilization accordingly.

Regular checks and quick action are the key to controlling pests and diseases. Over time, you will develop a sense of what your plants need. Remember: a healthy garden is the best protection against pests and diseases. Take good care of your plants and they will thank you with a bountiful harvest.

5. After harvest: Drying and curing for maximum THC content

After all the hard work of growing, it is crucial to process your cannabis harvest properly to maximize quality. Drying and curing are the final but extremely important steps that determine the taste, aroma and effect of your cannabis. Here you will learn how to optimize these processes.

The drying process

Proper drying is essential to prevent mold growth and preserve THC levels. Follow these steps:

  1. Remove large fan leaves and roughly trim the buds.
  2. Hang the branches upside down in a dark, well-ventilated room.
  3. Keep the temperature between 15-21°C and the humidity at 45-55%.
  4. Allow the plants to dry for 7-14 days, until the stems crack when bent.

Tip: Use a hygrometer to closely monitor humidity. Drying too quickly can affect the taste, while drying too slowly can lead to mold.

Curing: The path to perfection

Curing significantly improves the aroma, taste and effect of your cannabis. Here are the most important steps:

phase Length of time action
Preparation 1 day Fill buds into airtight jars (max. 75% full)
First week 7 days Open jars daily for 5-10 minutes (burping)
Second to fourth week 21 days Open jars every 2-3 days for 5-10 minutes
Long-term curing 1-6 months Open jars once a week

Optimizing THC content

To maximize THC content during drying and curing, consider the following points:

  • Avoid direct sunlight and bright light, as UV rays break down THC.
  • Keep the temperature below 22°C to minimize the degradation of THC to CBD.
  • Control the humidity carefully, ideally 55-62% during curing.
  • Use Boveda packs or similar products to regulate the humidity in the jars.

Signs of successful curing

You can recognize well-cured cannabis by the following characteristics:

  • Intense, complex aroma
  • Smooth, non-scratchy smoke effect
  • Buds that do not crumble when touched, but are not too moist either
  • Uniform burning properties

Remember that patience is the key to high-quality cannabis. While some strains are ready to drink after just one month of curing, many will only develop their full quality after 2-3 months. Some connoisseurs even cure their cannabis for up to 6 months.

Long-term storage

For long-term storage after curing:

  1. Use airtight, opaque containers.
  2. Store in a cool, dark place (ideally 15-18°C).
  3. Check occasionally for mold or excessive dryness.

With the right drying and curing technique, you can refine your home-grown cannabis into a premium product. The effort is worth it - you will be rewarded with aromatic, potent buds that will exceed your expectations. Enjoy the process and the end result of your hard work!


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