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CleanUrin - synthetischer Urin - 20 Beutel x 25 ml
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20 Beutel mit 25 ml Inhalt - Fake Urin / 100 % synthetischer Urin von CleanU®
1 x 25 ml Clean Urin gelbe Kennzeichnung + 1 Spezialaufkleber zum Schutz des Beutels
Weitere Informationen zum Thema CleanUrin®
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Wichtiger Hinweis
Clean Urin ist nicht zum Verzehr geeignet und darf nicht benutzt werden, um Drogentests / Kontrollen / Untersuchungen / etc. zu manipulieren.
Wir bitten unsere Kunden sich an alle geltenden Gesetze zu halten!
Further information
The aromatic flowers are used exclusively for scientific or technical purposes. Abuse for intoxicating purposes or human consumption of any kind is prohibited. In Germany it is not legal to smoke CBD flowers. CBD aromatic flowers are unsuitable for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Keep out of reach of children! Store in a cool and dry place. Sales to minors (under EIGHTEEN years of age) are strictly prohibited. The products offered are natural products, which is why they are subject to natural fluctuations. The appearance of the actual product may vary from the individual product image.