
Autoflower Cannabis Fertilizer: Optimal nutrient supply

Autoflower Cannabis Dünger: Optimale Nährstoffversorgung

The Nutrient Basics: Why Autoflower Cannabis Needs Special Fertilization

Autoflowering cannabis varieties have revolutionized the growing scene in recent years. But as their popularity grows, so does the realization that these plants are different - especially when it comes to their nutrition. Find out why this is the case and what you absolutely need to pay attention to.

The quick start into life

Unlike their photosensitive cousins, autoflower plants start right away. From seedling to harvest in just 10-12 weeks - that's a record! But this turbo life cycle has consequences for the nutrient supply:

  • Shorter vegetation phase: less time for root growth and nutrient uptake
  • Faster metabolism: higher nutrient requirements in less time
  • Smaller overall size: Less leaf mass for nutrient processing

These factors make it clear: Autoflower cannabis needs a tailor-made nutritional strategy.

The nutrient triad: NPK in focus

Like all plants, autoflowering strains require the three main nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). But the concentration and timing are crucial:

nutrient function Special feature of Autoflower
Nitrogen (N) Growth, leaf formation Less than photosensitive varieties
Phosphorus (P) Root and flower development Earlier and in higher concentration
Potassium (K) Flower formation, stress resistance Evenly throughout the entire cycle

Note: Over-fertilizing is particularly risky with autoflowers. Their compact size makes them more susceptible to nutrient excesses. Less is often more - a lesson that many growers have to learn the hard way.

pH value: The underestimated game changer

An often overlooked factor is the pH of your substrate. Autoflower cannabis prefers a slightly acidic pH between 6.0 and 6.5. This is the range in which the roots can optimally absorb nutrients. If the value is outside this window, even the best fertilizer can be ineffective.

Pro tip: Invest in a high-quality pH meter and adjust it regularly. Your plants will thank you with explosive growth and fat buds!

With this basic knowledge, you are well equipped to delve deeper into the world of autoflower fertilization. In the next section, we take a look at the top 3 fertilizers that can take your harvest to the next level.

Top 3 autoflower fertilizers in comparison: Which produces the thickest buds?

Not every fertilizer is suitable for autoflower cannabis. To make your choice easier, we have taken a close look at the three best products on the market. Here you can find out which fertilizer will help your autoflowers achieve maximum potency.

1. BioBizz Bio Grow

BioBizz Bio-Grow is an organic all-rounder that is highly valued by many autoflower enthusiasts. Its balanced nutrient composition is perfectly tailored to the needs of autoflowers.

  • Advantages: Purely organic, gentle on soil and plants
  • Disadvantages: Slower nutrient release
  • Particularly suitable for: beginners and organic lovers

Our experience report shows: With BioBizz Bio-Grow we achieved an average yield increase of 15% compared to unfertilized plants.

2. Advanced Nutrients Bloom

For those in a hurry: Advanced Nutrients Bloom is the turbo among autoflower fertilizers. Its highly concentrated formula delivers fast results, but also requires a certain amount of sensitivity.

  • Advantages: Fast effect, specially optimized for the flowering phase
  • Disadvantages: Higher risk of over-fertilization
  • Particularly suitable for: Experienced growers with a focus on maximum yield

In our test, Advanced Nutrients Bloom led to an impressive yield increase of up to 25%. However, this only works when used correctly - caution is advised!

3. Plagron Green Sensation

The insider tip among connoisseurs: Plagron Green Sensation is a booster that works wonders, especially in the late vegetation and early flowering phases. It not only promotes growth, but also noticeably increases the THC content.

  • Advantages: Increases yield and potency simultaneously
  • Disadvantages: Relatively expensive compared to other products
  • Particularly suitable for: Quality-oriented growers who want to get the most out of it

Our test showed that with Plagron Green Sensation we were not only able to increase the yield by 20%, but also noticed a noticeable improvement in bud quality.

The ultimate comparison

product Increased yield User competence Value for money
BioBizz Bio Grow approx. 15% beginner Good
Advanced Nutrients Bloom up to 25% Advanced Very good
Plagron Green Sensation approx. 20% Experience Satisfactory

Conclusion: Choosing the right fertilizer depends heavily on your individual goals and experience. For beginners, we recommend BioBizz Bio-Grow, while experienced growers can break true yield records with Advanced Nutrients Bloom or Plagron Green Sensation.

Remember: The best fertilizer is of little use without the right application. In the next section, we'll show you how to optimize your fertilization schedule to get the most out of your autoflower plants.

Fertilization schedule: How to increase your harvest by up to 30%

Timing is everything - especially when it comes to fertilizing your autoflower cannabis plants. With the right schedule, you can not only save nutrients, but also significantly increase your harvest. Let's go through the optimal fertilization cycle together.

The seedling and early growth phase (weeks 1-2)

In the first two weeks, your autoflower seedlings hardly need any additional nutrients. The seeds contain enough reserves to get started. Excessive fertilization during this phase can even be harmful.

  • Week 1: No fertilization
  • Week 2: Maximum 1/4 of the recommended dose of a growth fertilizer

Pro tip: During this phase, focus on optimal lighting conditions and balanced watering. This will lay the foundation for strong growth.

The vegetative phase (weeks 3-5)

Now it starts! In this phase, growth literally explodes. Your plants now need nitrogen for leaf formation and phosphorus for a healthy root system.

  • Week 3: 1/2 the recommended dose of a growth fertilizer
  • Week 4-5: Full recommended dose of growth fertilizer

Note: Autoflowers are more sensitive to over-fertilization than photosensitive varieties. Watch your plants closely and reduce the dose at the first signs of nutrient stress.

The transition phase (week 6)

During this critical week, your autoflower will begin flowering. Now is the time to switch from a growth to a bloom fertilizer.

  • First half of the week: Last dose of growth fertilizer (1/2 dose)
  • Second half of the week: First dose of flower fertilizer (1/2 dose)

This gentle transition helps your plants adjust to the new nutrient composition.

The flowering phase (weeks 7-10)

Now it's time to get down to business! During this phase, the juicy buds you've been waiting for are formed. Your plants now need phosphorus and potassium in particular.

Week Fertilizer application Special features
7-8 Full dose of flower fertilizer Watch for early signs of nutrient deficiency
9 3/4 dose of flower fertilizer Start with the reduction for flushing
10 1/2 dose of flower fertilizer Last fertilizer application before flushing

The Flushing (last 1-2 weeks)

To optimize the flavor of your harvest, a thorough flush is essential. In the last 7-14 days before harvest, you only add pure water. This forces the plant to use up its nutrient reserves, resulting in a cleaner, smooth-burning end product.

With this optimized fertilization schedule, you can unlock the full potential of your autoflower plants. Many growers report yield increases of up to 30% compared to unstructured fertilization schedules.

Remember: every plant is unique. Watch your autoflower closely and adjust the plan if necessary. With a little experience, you will develop a feel for what your green treasures need.

In the next section, we'll show you how to recognize and avoid the dreaded over-fertilization. Because sometimes less is actually more!

Avoid over-fertilization: 5 warning signs you need to know

Over-fertilization is every autoflower grower's nightmare. Not only can it drastically reduce your harvest, but in the worst case scenario it can even lead to total loss. But don't worry: with the right knowledge, you can recognize over-fertilization early on and counteract it. Here are the 5 most important warning signs you should look out for.

1. Burnt leaf tips

The first and most common sign of over-fertilization is brown, burnt-looking leaf tips. This occurs when too many nutrient salts build up in the leaves. At first it may only affect the very tips, but it can quickly spread.

Immediate action: Reduce the amount of fertilizer by 50% at the next application. Observe whether the symptoms improve.

2. Dark green, curled leaves

Excess nitrogen often results in unnaturally dark green leaves that curl downward. The plant tries to cope with the nutrient overload by producing more chlorophyll.

Countermeasure: Switch to a fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content. This is advisable during the flowering phase anyway.

3. Nutrient blockages

Paradoxically, over-fertilization can lead to deficiency symptoms. When certain nutrients are present in excess, they block the absorption of others. Yellow leaves with green veins (chlorosis) are a typical sign of this.

symptom Possible blockage Countermeasure
Yellow leaves, green veins Iron deficiency due to overfertilization Check pH value, rinse the substrate
Purple stems Phosphorus deficiency despite overfertilization Increase temperature, adjust pH value

4. Slower growth

Autoflower cannabis should grow quickly and steadily. If your plants suddenly stagnate or even shrink, over-fertilization could be the reason. The roots are overloaded and can no longer absorb nutrients.

Solution: Perform a gentle flush. Water your plants with clean, pH-neutral water to flush out excess nutrients.

5. White crusts on the substrate

If white, salty deposits form on the surface of your substrate, this is a sure sign of over-fertilization. These crusts are crystallized nutrient salts that have not been absorbed by the plant.

Emergency measure: carefully scrape off the top layer and replace it with fresh substrate. Significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer.

Prevention is better than cure

To avoid over-fertilization in the first place, follow these basic rules:

  • Always start with half the recommended amount of fertilizer
  • Increase the dose gradually and observe the reaction of your plants
  • Regularly measure the pH and EC values ​​of your substrate
  • Perform a light flush every 3-4 weeks to prevent salt deposits

Remember: It is always easier to feed an undernourished plant than to save an over-fertilized plant. When in doubt, less is more!

With this knowledge, you are well equipped to recognize and treat over-fertilization early on. In the next section, we will take a look at the exciting debate between organic and mineral fertilizers. Which method really brings the maximum yield?

Organic vs. Mineral: The ultimate showdown for maximum yield

The debate between organic and mineral fertilizers is as old as cannabis cultivation itself. Both have their ardent advocates, but which method is really the best for autoflower cannabis? Let's dive deep and separate facts from myths.

Organic fertilizers: The nature boy

Organic fertilizers come from natural sources such as compost, guano or plant extracts. They are popular with many growers because they are considered "gentler" and more environmentally friendly.


  • Promote healthy soil life
  • Long-lasting effect
  • Lower risk of over-fertilization
  • Often better aroma and taste of the final products


  • Slower nutrient release
  • More difficult to dose
  • May smell unpleasant

Mineral fertilizers: The turbo option

Mineral fertilizers are synthetically produced nutrient concentrates. They provide nutrients in an immediately available form and enable precise control over the nutrient supply.


  • Fast effect
  • Exact dosage possible
  • Higher nutrient concentrations
  • Often cheaper per unit of nutrients


  • Higher risk of over-fertilization
  • Can affect soil life
  • Possible effects on taste and aroma

The comparison: Who will win the race?

criterion Organic Mineral
Growth rate Moderate Fast
Yield Good Very good
Taste/Aroma Excellent Good
User-friendliness Medium High
Environmental friendliness High Medium

The hybrid solution: The best of both worlds

Many experienced autoflower growers swear by a hybrid approach. They combine the advantages of both methods:

  1. Prepare soil base with organic components
  2. Use organic fertilizers during the growth phase
  3. Supplement with mineral boosters during the flowering phase

This method makes it possible to maintain soil fertility over the long term while providing quick boosts of nutrients when they are most needed.

The conclusion: It depends on your goals

The choice between organic and mineral ultimately depends on your personal goals and circumstances:

  • For maximum yield: mineral fertilizers or hybrid method
  • For best taste: Organic fertilizers
  • For beginners: Start with organic fertilizers, later experiment with hybrid methods

Regardless of your choice, it's important to consider the specific needs of autoflower cannabis. These plants are more sensitive to nutrient fluctuations than their photosensitive cousins.

Experiment, observe closely and adapt your strategy. Over time, you will find your perfect fertilization regime that will help your autoflowers achieve explosive growth and fat buds.

Remember: the best fertilizer is the one that suits your grow style, environment and goals. Stay curious, keep learning and most importantly: have fun growing!


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