
Autoflower Cannabis Training: Optimize Yield

Autoflower Cannabis Training: Ertrag optimieren

1. Understanding the Basics of Autoflower Cannabis Training

Before diving into the world of autoflower cannabis training, it's important to understand the basics. Autoflowering cannabis plants are significantly different from their photoperiod relatives, meaning they require a special training procedure.

What makes Autoflower unique?

Autoflowering cannabis plants begin flowering regardless of the light cycle. This trait makes them particularly attractive to beginners and growers with limited space. However, it also means you have less time for training as the plant enters the flowering phase more quickly.

The shorter life cycle of autoflowers - typically 8-10 weeks from germination to harvest - requires a gentler and more efficient training approach. Aggressive techniques that work well on photoperiod plants can be counterproductive on autoflowers and slow growth.

Why is training important for autoflowers?

Despite their uniqueness, autoflower plants benefit tremendously from proper training. Here are the main reasons:

  • Increased light absorption: Through targeted training you can optimize the plant’s light absorption.
  • Improved air circulation: A well-trained plant allows for better air circulation, which prevents mold growth.
  • Increased yield: With the right techniques, you can increase the yield of your autoflower plants by up to 50%.
  • Space saving: Effective training helps you make the most of the available space.

The golden rule of autoflower training

Remember: gentleness is the key to success. Autoflower plants respond best to gentle training methods that support their natural growth without interrupting it. Aggressive interventions can reduce yields and stress the plant.

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into specific techniques to help you unlock the full potential of your autoflower plants. Stay tuned to learn how low-stress training, targeted nutrient delivery, and perfect timing can take your harvest to the next level.

2. Low Stress Training (LST) for Autoflower: Gentle methods, maximum results

Low Stress Training (LST) is the ultimate discipline in autoflower cannabis training. This method allows you to gently shape your plants without putting them under stress. For autoflower plants, which are more sensitive to stress than their photoperiod relatives, LST is the ideal choice.

What exactly is low stress training?

LST is a set of techniques that involve carefully bending and shaping the plant to create a flatter, wider growth habit. The goal is to expose more buds to light and thus maximize yield.

The advantages of LST for autoflowers

  • Increased light absorption: Bending the branches exposes more leaves and buds to light.
  • Better air circulation: A more open structure reduces the risk of mold and rot.
  • More uniform canopy: LST helps to achieve a uniform height, resulting in more consistent flower quality.
  • Space saving: Horizontal growth allows you to grow more plants in a limited space.

Step-by-step guide to LST for autoflowers

1. Start early: Start LST when your plant has developed 3-4 nodes, typically after 2-3 weeks.

2. Preparation: Use soft plant ties or foam-covered wire to avoid injury.

3. Bending the main stem: Carefully bend the main stem horizontally. Fix it to the edge of the pot with a tie.

4. Form side shoots: As soon as side shoots grow, tie them horizontally to ensure an even distribution.

5. Adjust regularly: Check the binders every few days and adjust them if necessary to avoid constriction.

Tips for successful LST with autoflowers

- Be gentle: Autoflower plants are more sensitive than photoperiod strains. Move the branches slowly and carefully.

- Timing is everything: Start early but stop tying once flowering begins to minimize stress during this critical period.

- Monitor closely: Look for signs of stress such as discolored leaves or slowed growth and adjust your methods accordingly.

- Combine with other techniques: LST combines well with gentle pruning and optimized nutrient supply.

LST phase Length of time Main tasks
Preparation Week 2-3 Prepare material, observe plant
Initial binding Week 3-4 Tie the main trunk and first side shoots
Active training Week 4-6 Regular adjustment and re-binding
Diploma From week 6 Final adjustments, preparation for flowering

With the correct use of LST, you can significantly increase the yield of your autoflower plants without causing them stress. This gentle but effective method is the key to healthy, productive plants and a bountiful harvest.

3. Pruning and topping autoflowers: myths vs. reality

Pruning and topping are popular techniques for photoperiod cannabis plants. However, with autoflowers, there is often confusion about whether these methods are safe and effective. Let's separate myths from facts and find out how you can carefully use these techniques on your autoflowers.

The myth of non-circumcision

Many growers believe that autoflower plants should not be pruned at all. The reality is more nuanced:

The fact is: Autoflowers can be pruned, but with care. The key is timing and gentleness of the procedure. Light pruning can actually lead to improved air circulation and light penetration.

Topping autoflowers: possible, but risky

Topping, the removal of the top of the plant, is controversial in autoflowers. Here are the facts:

  • Topping can work on some autoflower strains, but carries a higher risk than with photoperiod plants.
  • The limited vegetative cycle of autoflowers leaves less time for recovery after topping.
  • If you decide to top, do it early - ideally after the third or fourth pair of nodes.

Gentle pruning techniques for autoflowers

Instead of aggressive topping, you can use these gentler methods:

  1. Lollipoping: Carefully remove lower, shady branches and leaves to focus energy on the upper flower stalks.
  2. Selective defoliation: Remove large fan leaves that block light from lower branches, but only in moderation.
  3. Light pruning: Lightly trim the tips of side shoots to encourage bushier growth.

Schedule for circumcision techniques

Week action Precautions
2-3 Light trimming (optional) Only the tips, not more than 20% of the plant
3-4 Selective defoliation Remove a maximum of 2-3 large leaves per week
4-5 Lollipoping Only work on the lower 20% of the plant
5+ Minimal intervention Only remove dead or diseased parts

Important considerations

Before you grab the scissors, consider the following:

1. Genetics matter: Some autoflower strains tolerate pruning better than others. Do your research on your specific strain.

2. Less is more: Be conservative. Remove less rather than too much.

3. Clean tools: Always use clean, sharp scissors to avoid infection.

4. Observe closely: After pruning, watch for signs of stress and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Conclusion on pruning autoflowers

Pruning and topping are possible with autoflowers, but require a delicate touch and a good knowledge of your plants. With the right techniques and careful approach, you can increase yields without overtaxing your plants. Always remember: with autoflowers, less is often more. Focus on gentle, supportive methods to get the most out of your plants.

4. Nutrient management and lighting strategies for optimal growth

Careful nutrient management and proper lighting are crucial to the success of your autoflower cultivation. These factors significantly influence the growth, health and ultimately the yield of your plants. Let's dive deeper into these important aspects.

Nutrient management for autoflowers

Autoflowering cannabis plants have specific nutritional needs due to their fast life cycle. Here are the basics:

  • Less is more: Autoflowers generally require fewer nutrients than photoperiod varieties.
  • Balance is key: Make sure you have a balanced NPK ratio (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).
  • Adaptability: Be prepared to adjust nutrient levels based on how your plants respond.

Nutrient plan for autoflower

Growth phase NPK ratio Additional nutrients
Seedling (week 1-2) 2-1-2 Light calcium and magnesium addition
Vegetative phase (week 3-4) 3-1-3 Increase in nitrogen and potassium
Early flowering (week 5-6) 2-2-3 More phosphorus and potassium
Late flowering (weeks 7-9) 1-3-4 Reduced nitrogen, high phosphorus and potassium

Note: These values ​​are guidelines. Watch your plants closely and adjust the nutrient supply if necessary.

Lighting strategies for maximum yield

Proper lighting is crucial for healthy, high-yielding autoflower plants. Here are the key points:

Light intensity

Autoflowers generally require less intense lighting than photoperiod strains. A light intensity of 400-600 μmol/m²/s is often sufficient. Too much light can lead to stress and reduced growth.

Light spectrum

A balanced full spectrum light is ideal for autoflowers. In the vegetative phase they benefit from a higher proportion of blue, while in the flowering phase more red is beneficial.

Lighting duration

An 18/6 light cycle (18 hours light, 6 hours dark) is optimal for most autoflowering strains. Some growers experiment successfully with 20/4 or even 24/0 cycles, but monitor your plants closely for signs of stress.

Tips for optimal nutrient and light management

  1. Monitor pH: Keep pH between 6.0 and 6.5 for optimal nutrient absorption.
  2. Increase slowly: Start with a low concentration of nutrients and increase slowly.
  3. Be careful of overfeeding: Autoflowers are sensitive to overfeeding. Less is often more.
  4. Adjust the light height: Keep an appropriate distance between the light source and plants to avoid burns.
  5. Regular checks: Check your plants daily for signs of nutrient deficiencies or light damage.


Balanced nutrient management and a well-thought-out lighting strategy are the key to success in autoflower cultivation. By carefully observing and adjusting these factors, you can reach the full potential of your plants. Remember that every plant is individual - be prepared to react flexibly and learn from your experiences.

5. Harvest timing and curing techniques for high-quality autoflower buds

The right time to harvest and careful curing are crucial for the quality of your autoflower flowers. In this section, you will learn how to recognize the perfect moment to harvest and how to optimally cure your flowers to maximize aroma, taste and effect.

The optimal harvest timing for autoflowers

With autoflowers, harvest timing is particularly critical as they have a shorter life cycle. Here are the most important indicators for the right harvest time:

  • Trichome color: Observe the trichomes (resin glands) with a magnifying glass. When about 20-30% of the trichomes turn from clear to milky white, the ideal harvest time is near.
  • Pistils: Pay attention to the color of the pistils (flower hairs). When about 60-70% of the pistils have changed from white to orange or brown, the plant is usually ready for harvest.
  • Leaf color: Yellowing of the leaves is a natural sign of maturity.

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting

  1. Stop watering 1-2 days before harvest to improve flavor.
  2. Harvest early in the morning when terpenes are most concentrated.
  3. Cut off the main branches and remove large fan leaves.
  4. Hang the branches upside down in a dark, well-ventilated room.

The drying process

Slow, controlled drying is crucial for quality:

  • Ideal conditions: 60-70°F (15-21°C) at 45-55% humidity
  • Duration: 7-14 days, depending on environmental conditions and flower size
  • Goal: The branches should crack when you bend them, but not break

Curing: The key to quality

Curing is an often underestimated but essential step for high-quality flowers:

The curing process

  1. Trim the dried flowers and remove any remaining leaves.
  2. Place the flowers loosely in airtight jars, filling them to about 75%.
  3. Close the jars and store them in a cool, dark place.
  4. Open the jars daily for a few minutes for the first few weeks to "burp" (air).
Curing phase Length of time Frequency of burping
First week 7 days 1-2 times daily for 5-10 minutes
Second week 7 days Every other day for 5 minutes
Third and fourth week 14 days 1-2 times a week for 2-3 minutes
From the fifth week Ongoing Once a week for 1-2 minutes

Tips for perfect curing

  • Use hygrometers in the jars to maintain a humidity of 58-62%.
  • If the humidity is too high: open the jars more often or for longer.
  • If the humidity is too low: Add a small piece of fresh leaf.
  • Patience is key: optimal curing can take 4-8 weeks.

Long-term storage

After curing, you can store your flowers for a longer period of time:

  • Store them in airtight jars or vacuum bags.
  • Store them in a cool, dark place.
  • Check regularly for mold or moisture.
  • If stored properly, the flowers will retain their high quality for up to a year.


Proper harvest timing and careful curing are crucial to the quality of your autoflower buds. With patience and attention to detail, you can reach the full potential of your harvest. Remember that every plant is unique - observe closely and adapt your techniques accordingly. Over time, you will develop a feel for how to get the most out of your autoflowers.


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