
Cannabis Soil Cultivation: Best Soils for Top Yields

Cannabis Erde Anbau: Beste Böden für Top-Erträge - aboutweed

The 5 best substrates for maximum cannabis yields

If you want to maximize your cannabis yields, choosing the right substrate is crucial. The following five soils have proven to be real yield boosters:

1. Coconut soil - the all-rounder

Coco soil is a versatile substrate that is ideal for growing cannabis. It provides optimal aeration for the roots and stores water efficiently. Its neutral structure allows you to perfectly control the nutrient supply. Many experienced growers swear by coco soil because it promotes root growth and thus leads to stronger plants.

2. Biobizz Light Mix - Perfect for beginners

This pre-fertilized soil is ideal for cannabis beginners. It contains a balanced mixture of nutrients that is sufficient for the first few weeks of growth. After that, you can add additional fertilizer as needed. The loose structure promotes healthy root development and prevents waterlogging.

3. Fox Farm Ocean Forest - Nutrient-rich power soil

For abundant yields, Fox Farm Ocean Forest is a top choice. This soil is rich in organic nutrients and contains fish meal and guano, among other things. It is particularly suitable for the entire growth phase up to flowering. However, note that it can be too strong for seedlings - a mix with lighter substrate is recommended here.

4. Plagron Royalty Mix - Premium quality for connoisseurs

Plagron Royalty Mix is ​​a high-quality substrate specially developed for demanding cannabis strains. It contains perlite for better drainage and aeration and worm castings for additional nutrients. This soil promotes rapid growth and results in compact, high-yielding plants.

5. Own blend - Tailored to your needs

Many experienced growers swear by their own soil mix. A popular combination consists of:

  • 40% coconut soil
  • 30% Perlite
  • 20% worm humus
  • 10% compost

This mix offers an optimal balance between water retention, aeration and nutrient supply. You can adjust the proportions as needed.

No matter which substrate you choose, always pay attention to quality and adjust the nutrient supply to the respective growth phase. With the right substrate you lay the foundation for healthy, high-yielding cannabis plants.

Insider tips: How to perfectly prepare your cannabis soil

Proper preparation of your cannabis soil is crucial to the success of your cultivation. With these insider tips, you can create optimal conditions for your plants:

Improve ventilation

Good aeration is essential for healthy roots. Mix your soil with around 20-30% perlite or vermiculite. These light minerals create air spaces in the soil and prevent compaction. For particularly air-hungry varieties, you can even increase the proportion to up to 40%.

Adjust pH value

Cannabis thrives best in slightly acidic environments. The optimal pH value for soil is between 6.0 and 6.5. Test the pH value of your mix and adjust it if necessary:

  • Too acidic? Add some dolomite lime.
  • Too alkaline? Carefully mix in sulfur or peat.

Enrich nutrients

Even if many soils are already pre-fertilized, it is worth adding additional nutrients. Work organic fertilizers such as worm humus, compost or guano into the top layer of soil. These slow-release fertilizers provide your plants with long-term and gentle nutrients.

Promote microbial life

Healthy soil life provides optimal support for your cannabis plants. Add microorganisms to your soil in the form of compost tea or special soil bacteria. These helpers improve nutrient absorption and strengthen plant health.

Water and let rest

An often overlooked but important step: Water your prepared soil thoroughly and let it rest for 24-48 hours. This allows the nutrients to be evenly distributed and the microorganisms to start their work. You can also see whether your drainage is working.

With these preparations, you will create the perfect foundation for your cannabis plants. Observe your plants closely and adjust the soil mixture if necessary. Each variety and each growing location has individual requirements - over time, you will develop a feel for what your plants need.

Addition Quantity per 10L soil effect
Perlite 2-3L Improved ventilation
Worm humus 500g-1kg Nutrient enrichment
Dolomite limestone 50-100g pH increase

Note that these amounts are guidelines. Adjust them depending on the starting substrate and the needs of your plants. Over time, you will develop a feel for what your perfect cannabis soil looks and feels like.

Nutrients & pH: The key to lush growth

Nutrients and the right pH level play a crucial role in the healthy and productive growth of your cannabis plants. Let's delve deeper into these important aspects.

The importance of pH

The pH level determines how well your plants can absorb nutrients. For cannabis in soil, the optimal range is between 6.0 and 6.5. In this range, the roots can absorb all the important nutrients efficiently. If the pH level deviates too much, nutrient deficiencies or excesses can occur, even if there are sufficient nutrients.

Check the pH value regularly with a reliable pH meter. If you notice any deviations, you can counteract them with special pH-up or pH-down solutions. Make sure to make changes slowly and in small steps.

Essential nutrients for cannabis

Cannabis requires a variety of nutrients, with the main nutrients (NPK) being particularly important:

  • Nitrogen (N): Promotes leaf and stem growth. Particularly important in the vegetative phase.
  • Phosphorus (P): Supports root development and flower formation. Critical during the flowering phase.
  • Potassium (K): Strengthens general plant health and promotes flower development.

In addition to NPK, secondary nutrients such as magnesium and calcium as well as trace elements such as iron, manganese and zinc are important for optimal growth.

Nutrient requirements in different growth phases

The nutritional needs of your cannabis plants change throughout their life cycle:

phase Main requirement NPK ratio (approx.)
seedling Light nutrients 2-1-2
Vegetative High nitrogen requirement 3-1-1
Early flowering Balanced 1-3-2
Late flowering High phosphorus and potassium requirements 0-3-3

Recognize signs of nutrient deficiency

Watch for the following warning signs that may indicate nutrient deficiencies:

  • Yellowing leaves (often nitrogen deficiency)
  • Discolored leaf edges (may indicate potassium deficiency)
  • Dark spots on leaves (possible phosphorus deficiency)
  • Curled or twisted leaves (often calcium deficiency)

If you notice any signs of nutrient deficiency, react quickly, but do not over-fertilize. Sometimes a slight adjustment of the pH value is enough to solve the problem.

Remember: less is often more. It is easier to feed an under-fertilized plant than to save an over-fertilized plant. Watch your plants closely and learn to "read" their needs. Over time, you will become an expert in feeding your cannabis plants.

Irrigation made easy: Tips for optimal soil moisture

Proper watering is crucial for healthy cannabis plants and bountiful yields. Too much or too little water can cause problems. Here's how to find the perfect balance.

The Golden Rule: Less is more

Surprisingly, cannabis plants suffer more from overwatering than from water deficiency. Too much water displaces oxygen in the soil, which can lead to root rot. It is better to water less frequently, but more thoroughly. Allow the top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings.

The finger test

A simple way to check soil moisture is the finger test. Stick your finger about 5 cm deep into the soil. If the soil still feels moist at this depth, wait to water. If it is dry, it is time to water.

Casting technology

When you water, do it thoroughly. Water slowly and evenly until some water comes out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. This will ensure that the water reaches the entire root zone. Avoid pouring water on the leaves to prevent fungal infections.

Water quantity and frequency

The amount of water required depends on various factors:

  • Plant size
  • Growth phase
  • Pot size
  • Ambient temperature and humidity
  • Substrate type

As a rule of thumb, water about 10% of the pot's volume. For a 10-litre pot, that would be about 1 litre of water. Adjust the amount if you notice that your plants need more or less.

Pay attention to water quality

Water quality is often underestimated, but crucial. Tap water can contain chlorine or too many dissolved minerals. Soft, filtered water or rainwater is ideal. Let tap water stand for 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate.

Water temperature

The optimal water temperature is between 20°C and 23°C. Water that is too cold can shock the roots and slow growth. Water that is too warm contains less oxygen and can promote algae growth.

Automated irrigation

For larger cultivations or if you are often away, an automated irrigation system can be useful. There are various options:

system Advantages Disadvantages
Drip irrigation Even, slow watering Can clog
Self-watering pots Easy to use Limited control
Smart irrigation systems Precise control High acquisition costs

Signs of over- and underwatering

Learn to recognize the warning signs:

  • Overwatering: Wilting, drooping leaves despite moist soil, yellowing, musty smell
  • Underwatering: Wilting, dry leaves, brown leaf edges, slow growth

Observe your plants closely and adjust your watering strategy accordingly. Over time, you will develop a feeling for when and how much your cannabis plants want to drink. Balanced watering is the key to healthy, productive plants.

Troubleshooting: Identify and resolve common floor problems

Even with careful care, problems can arise in the soil. Quick recognition and targeted action are crucial to saving your cannabis plants. Here you will find solutions to the most common soil problems.

Compacted soil

Compacted soil hinders root growth and nutrient uptake. This can be recognized by a hard surface and poor water permeability.

Solution: Gently loosen the soil and mix in perlite or vermiculite. For potted plants, consider repotting in airier substrate.

pH problems

An incorrect pH will result in nutrient deficiencies even when sufficient nutrients are present. Symptoms vary but may include discoloration and stunted growth.

Solution: Measure the pH value regularly. If it is outside the optimal range of 6.0-6.5, correct it slowly with pH-Up or pH-Down. If there are large deviations, flush the soil.

Salt deposits

Excessive fertilization can lead to salt deposits, which can be recognized by white crusts on the soil surface. This can damage the roots and hinder nutrient absorption.

Solution: Rinse the soil thoroughly with clean water until about 20% of the pot volume has run through. Reduce the amount of fertilizer in the future.

Pests in the soil

Fungus gnats, springtails or root aphids can weaken your plants. Watch for small flying insects or movements in the soil.

Solution: Use natural pesticides such as nematodes or predatory mites. Keep the topsoil dry and consider using yellow boards to control flying pests.

Mold and fungi

Excessive moisture can lead to mold growth, which can be identified by white, fluffy growth on the soil surface or a musty odor.

Solution: Improve ventilation, reduce watering and carefully remove the top layer of soil. In severe cases, consider repotting in fresh substrate.

Nutrient deficiency or excess

Unbalanced nutrient supply is indicated by various leaf changes:

symptom Possible cause Solution
Yellow lower leaves Nitrogen deficiency Add nitrogen-rich fertilizer
Dark spots on leaves Phosphorus deficiency Add phosphorus-containing fertilizer
Burnt leaf edges Nutrient surplus Flush soil, reduce fertilization


Poor drainage leads to waterlogging, which promotes root rot. Watch for constantly wet soil and wilting plants despite moisture.

Solution: Improve drainage by adding perlite or coarse sand. Make sure pots have adequate drainage holes.

General prevention measures

  • Use high quality substrate
  • Ensure good ventilation and adequate watering
  • Perform regular pH and EC measurements
  • Clean and disinfect pots and tools between growing cycles
  • Rotate your plants regularly for even growth

Remember, prevention is better than cure. Regular checks and quick action at the first sign of problems are the key to healthy, productive cannabis plants. Over time, you'll become an expert at identifying and correcting soil problems.


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