
Cannabis Lollipopping Method: Focus on Top Buds

Cannabis Lollipopping Methode: Fokus auf Top-Buds

1. What is the Cannabis Lollipopping Method? Basics and Benefits

The cannabis lollipopping method is an advanced growing technique that helps you maximize your yields and increase the quality of your buds. The name derives from the shape your plants take after using this method - they then resemble a lollipop on a stick.

Definition and basic principle

Lollipopping involves removing the lower branches and leaves of your cannabis plant. This may seem counterintuitive at first, but there is a good reason for it: you are directing the plant's energy to where it is needed most - the upper flowers and shoots.

The idea behind it is simple: the lower parts of the plant often do not receive enough light to produce strong buds. By removing these, you allow your plant to invest all its resources in developing the upper, light-exposed areas.

The main benefits of lollipopping

  • Increased yields in the top buds
  • Improved air circulation, which prevents mold growth
  • Easier plant growth management
  • Increased overall harvest quality

When should you use lollipopping?

The optimal time for lollipopping is just before or at the beginning of the flowering phase. During this phase, the plant changes its growth and focuses on flower production. By removing the lower branches and leaves in good time, you give your plant the perfect start in this critical phase.

Growth phase Lollipopping recommended?
germination No
Vegetative phase Yes, towards the end
Early flowering phase Yes, ideal
Late flowering phase No

Note that lollipopping is an advanced technique. If you're a beginner, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the basics of growing cannabis first. However, with practice and the right timing, lollipopping can become a powerful tool in your growing arsenal, helping you significantly increase the quality and quantity of your harvest.

2. Step-by-step instructions: How to use lollipopping correctly

Lollipopping your cannabis plants may seem intimidating at first, but with the right guidance and a little practice, you'll quickly master this technique. Here's a step-by-step guide to successfully lollipoping your plants.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools ready:

  • Clean, sharp garden shears
  • Disinfectant for the scissors
  • Gloves (optional but recommended)
  • Container for the removed plant material

Remember to disinfect your shears before and after each plant to avoid the spread of disease.

The Lollipopping Process

Follow these steps to successfully lollipop your cannabis plants:

  1. Identify the area to remove: Typically, the bottom 20-30% of the plant is removed. Imagine a horizontal line above which you keep all growth.
  2. Remove lower branches: Start by removing the branches below your imaginary line. Cut them close to the main trunk to minimize open wounds.
  3. Remove small shoots: Also remove small, weak shoots in the middle part of the plant that are unlikely to produce strong buds.
  4. Remove excess leaves: Remove large fan leaves that may block light from potential flower sites.
  5. Check and refine: Step back and look at your work. Remove any more small shoots or leaves if necessary to achieve a uniform shape.


After lollipopping, your plants need special attention:

  • Reduce nutrient intake for a few days to minimize stress.
  • Watch your plants closely for signs of stress or disease.
  • Make sure air circulation is optimal to promote healing.

Common mistakes when lollipopping

Mistake impact Avoidance
Remove too much Reduced growth, stress Remove a maximum of 30% of the plant
Wrong timing Ineffective lollipopping Lollipope shortly before or at the beginning of flowering
Unclean cuts Increased risk of infection Use sharp, clean tools

Remember, lollipopping is a skill that takes practice. Over time, you'll develop a feel for how much you can remove for optimal results. Be patient with yourself and your plants, and you'll soon be able to reap the rewards of your labor in the form of more gorgeous, higher-yielding buds.

3. Timing is everything: The perfect time for lollipopping

When growing cannabis, timing can make or break a success. This is especially true for lollipopping. Precise timing not only maximizes yield, but also minimizes stress on your plants. Let's dive deeper into the details to find the optimal moment for this technique.

The ideal time

The best time to lollipopping is typically just before or at the beginning of the flowering phase. During this phase, your cannabis plant will switch its growth from vegetative to generative. By removing the lower branches and leaves in time, you will redirect the plant's energy just as it begins to focus on flower production.

Temporal classification in the growth cycle

Growth phase Weeks after germination Lollipopping recommended?
Early vegetative phase 2-4 weeks No
Late vegetative phase 4-6 weeks Yes, ideal
Transition to flowering 6-8 weeks Yes, ideal
Mid-flowering phase 8+ weeks No, too late

Signs of the right time

In addition to the age of your plants, there are other indicators that show you that the right moment for lollipopping has come:

  • The plant has developed a robust structure.
  • The lower branches begin to thicken and overlap.
  • You can recognize the first signs of sex determination.
  • Vertical growth has slowed.

Why timing is so important

Lollipopping too early can hamper your plant's growth and reduce its ability to produce nutrients. On the other hand, lollipopping too late can disrupt the plant's energy allocation when it has already invested in flower production. The right timing allows the plant to quickly recover from the intervention and effectively direct its resources to the upper buds.

Special features of auto-flowering varieties

Special care should be taken with auto-flowering cannabis strains. These plants have a shorter life cycle and will flower automatically, regardless of the light cycle. In these cases, you should lollipopping earlier, ideally in the third or fourth week after germination.

Final tips

Watch your plants closely and learn to read their signals. Each variety and crop may vary slightly. Over time, you will develop a feeling for when the perfect moment for lollipopping has arrived. Remember: it is better to be a little too early than too late. If in doubt, wait a few more days.

With the right timing when lollipopping, you will lay the foundation for a bountiful harvest of high-quality buds. This technique, used at the right time, can make the difference between a good harvest and an outstanding one.

4. Maximum yield: Top 3 lollipopping mistakes and how to avoid them

Lollipopping is a powerful technique that produces impressive results when used correctly. However, even experienced growers can make mistakes. Let's look at the three most common lollipopping mistakes and learn how to avoid them to maximize your yield.

Mistake 1: Too aggressive pruning

One of the most common mistakes is removing too much plant material. Many growers assume that more pruning will automatically lead to better results. However, this is a fallacy.

Effects: Pruning too aggressively can severely stress your plant, slow its growth, and even result in a reduced overall harvest.

Solution: Follow the 30% rule. Do not remove more than about 30% of the total plant material. Focus on the lowest branches and leaves, which already receive little light. After lollipopping, monitor your plant closely and give it time to recover.

Mistake 2: Wrong timing

The second most common mistake is choosing the wrong time for lollipopping. Many growers wait too long or start using the technique too early.

Effects: Lollipopping too early can hamper plant growth, while lollipopping too late disrupts energy distribution and leads to reduced flower production.

Solution: Lollipopping should be done just before or at the beginning of the flowering phase. For photoperiod strains, this is about 1-2 weeks before switching to 12/12 light cycle. For autoflowering strains, lollipopping should be done in the 3rd or 4th week after germination.

Variety type Optimal lollipopping time
Photoperiodic 1-2 weeks before 12/12 light cycle
Autoflowering 3-4 weeks after germination

Mistake 3: Uneven trimming

The third common mistake is uneven pruning of the plant. Some growers focus too much on certain areas and neglect others.

Effects: Uneven pruning can lead to an unbalanced energy distribution throughout the plant, resulting in unevenly sized buds and an overall smaller harvest.

Solution: Be systematic. Start at the bottom of the plant and work your way up. Imagine a horizontal line below which you remove everything. Make sure you prune evenly all the way around. Take a step back every now and then to look at your work from a distance and notice any unevenness.

Additional tips for successful lollipopping

  • Always use clean, sharp tools to avoid infection.
  • After lollipopping, give your plants some time to recover before using other techniques such as scrogging.
  • Document your lollipopping sessions to learn from experience and continuously improve your technique.
  • Watch your plants' reactions closely and adjust your technique accordingly.

By avoiding these common mistakes and applying the recommended solutions, you can achieve the full potential of lollipopping. With time and practice, you will develop a feel for how your plants respond best to this technique. The result will be bigger, denser, and more potent buds that will take your harvest to the next level.

5. Expert Tricks: Advanced Lollipopping Techniques for Pros

Once you've mastered the basics of lollipopping, it's time to take your game to the next level. These advanced techniques and expert advice will help you unlock the full potential of your cannabis plants and maximize your yields.

Selective lollipopping

Instead of treating all plants the same, adapt your lollipopping strategy to the individual needs of each plant.

  • Observe the growth pattern of each plant closely.
  • Identify strong and weak areas.
  • Selectively remove weak shoots, even if they are above the usual lollipop line.
  • Leave strong lower branches if they look promising.

Progressive Lollipopping

Instead of removing everything at once, spread the process over several sessions.

  1. Start by lightly removing the lowest shoots 2-3 weeks before the flowering phase.
  2. Repeat the process weekly, removing a little more each time.
  3. Perform the final lollipopping session at the beginning of the flowering phase.

This method reduces stress on the plant and allows more precise control over energy distribution.

Combination with other training techniques

Experienced growers often combine lollipopping with other training methods for optimal results:

Technology Combination with lollipopping
Scrogging Lollipop before setting up the Scrog net
Topping Lollipop 1-2 weeks after topping
LST (Low Stress Training) Lollipop parallel to the LST process


This advanced technique focuses on the smallest details:

  • Remove not only entire branches, but also small shoots and leaves on the remaining branches.
  • Pay special attention to areas where leaves overlap or obstruct airflow.
  • Carefully remove small, unproductive shoots that may drain energy from the main buds.

Lollipopping for specific cultivation methods

Adapt your lollipopping technique to your specific growing method:

For hydroponics:

Be more aggressive with lollipopping as hydro plants often grow and recover faster. Remove up to 40% of the bottom growth.

For outdoor grows:

Be more careful and remove less. Outdoor plants need more leaves to protect them from the elements. Focus on removing branches that may touch the ground.

For vertical grows:

Lollipop evenly all around, as the plants receive light from all sides. Pay particular attention to good air circulation between the plants.

Aftercare and care

After advanced lollipopping, aftercare is crucial:

  • Use root stimulants to encourage growth after the stress of lollipopping.
  • Increase humidity slightly for 2-3 days after lollipopping to promote healing.
  • Monitor nutrient uptake closely. Adjust your fertilization as the plant now has less leaf mass.

These advanced techniques require experience and a good feel for your plants. Experiment carefully and document your results. Over time, you will become a master of lollipopping and produce harvests that impress you and other growers. Always remember: The art of lollipopping is in the balance between removing and preserving - finding the perfect middle ground for your plants.


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