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Cannabis Monstercropping Technique: Growing Bushy Plants

Cannabis Monstercropping Technik: Buschige Pflanzen züchten

1. What is Monster Cropping? The groundbreaking technique explained

Monster cropping is an innovative cannabis cultivation technique that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This method involves taking clones from a cannabis plant that is already in the flowering phase. This may seem counterintuitive at first, but the results are impressive!

The origin of monster cropping

The technique was developed by experienced growers who were looking for ways to maximize their yields while reducing growing time. The name "monster cropping" derives from the "monstrous," bushy plants this method produces.

Unlike traditional cloning, which involves taking cuttings from plants in the vegetative phase, monster cropping takes advantage of the unique growth characteristics of flowering cannabis plants. If you take a clone from a flowering plant and put it back into the vegetative phase, it will respond with explosive, bushy growth.

The science behind monster cropping

The key to monster cropping success lies in the plant's hormonal shift. When you return a flowering clone to a vegetative light cycle, the plant goes through a sort of "hormonal chaos." This leads to increased production of auxins and cytokinins, the plant's growth hormones. The result? A plant with a multitude of main shoots and side shoots that later grow into an enormous number of flower heads.

Studies have shown that monster cropped plants can develop up to 30% more side shoots compared to conventionally grown plants. This not only leads to a larger growing area, but also a potentially higher yield per plant.

Advantages of monster cropping at a glance

  • Increased number of main shoots and side shoots
  • Potential yield increase of up to 25%
  • Shorter overall cultivation time by skipping the early vegetative phase
  • Possibility to produce genetically identical plants to a flowering mother plant
  • Efficient use of space through bushier growth

Monster cropping is more than just a cultivation technique - it's a revolution in cannabis growing. With the right knowledge and a little practice, you can use this method to maximize your yields while growing unique, lush plants. In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the practical application and intricacies of this fascinating technique.

2. Step-by-step guide: How to use monster cropping on your cannabis plants

Monster cropping may seem complicated at first, but with the right guidance, you can master this technique with no problem. Here's how to proceed step by step to successfully grow monster plants.

Preparation and materials

Before you start, make sure you have the following things on hand:

  • A healthy, flowering cannabis plant (ideally in the 2nd-3rd week of flowering)
  • Sharp, sterilized scissors or scalpel
  • Root hormone gel or powder
  • Growing medium (e.g. Rockwool cubes or soil)
  • Clone box or mini greenhouse
  • Spray bottle with water

Step 1: Choosing the right time

The optimal time for monster cropping is about 2-3 weeks after the start of the flowering phase. At this stage, the plant has already started to form flowers, but is not too advanced yet.

Step 2: Extracting the clone

  1. Choose a healthy, strong side shoot.
  2. Cut the shoot at a 45-degree angle about 10-15 cm below the tip.
  3. Remove the lower leaves so that only the top 2-3 pairs of leaves remain.

Step 3: Rooting the clone

Dip the bottom of the cutting in rooting hormone and carefully place it into the prepared growing medium. Place the clone in the clone box and ensure high humidity (about 80-90%).

Step 4: Conversion to vegetative growth

Change the light cycle to 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. This will signal the plant to return to the vegetative phase. Note that it may take a few weeks for the plant to fully adjust.

Step 5: Care and observation

In the first few weeks, your clone may look strange - this is normal! It will try to continue flowering while simultaneously forming new vegetative shoots. It is important now:

  • Keep humidity high, but slowly reduce it to normal levels.
  • Start with light fertilization as soon as new roots are visible.
  • Be patient – ​​full “monster” development can take 3-4 weeks.

Step 6: Shaping and training

Once your plant is growing steadily, you can start using techniques like LST (Low Stress Training) or topping to further encourage the bushy structure. This will maximize the number of potential flower heads.

phase Length of time Main tasks
Clone extraction 1 day Cutting, hormone treatment, planting
Rooting 7-14 days High humidity, regular spraying
Conversion 2-3 weeks Change light cycle, start light fertilization
growth 3-4 weeks Start training, increase fertilization

With this step-by-step guide, you'll be well equipped to start your first monster cropping experiments. Remember: every plant is unique, so observe closely and adjust your care accordingly. With a little practice, you'll soon be growing masterful monster plants!

3. The 3 biggest benefits of monster cropping for maximum yields

Monster cropping has established itself as a revolutionary technique in cannabis cultivation. Let's take a closer look at the three main advantages that make this method so attractive to growers.

1. Explosive growth and increased yields

Perhaps the most impressive benefit of monster cropping is the unusual growth pattern it creates. When you force a flowering clone back into the vegetative phase, the plant responds with a real growth spurt.

Studies have shown that monster cropped plants can develop up to 50% more side shoots compared to conventionally grown plants. These extra shoots mean more potential flower heads, which directly translates to higher yields.

  • Up to 50% more side shoots
  • Increased number of inflorescences
  • Potential yield increase of 20-30%

2. Time saving and efficient use of space

An often overlooked but extremely valuable benefit of monster cropping is the time savings. By taking clones from flowering plants, you essentially skip part of the early vegetative phase.

In addition, the bushier growth results in a more efficient use of space. You can get the same or even a higher yield with fewer plants, which is especially beneficial for growers with limited space.

aspect Traditional method Monster cropping
Vegetative phase 4-6 weeks 2-4 weeks
Plants per m² 4-6 2-3
Yield per plant standard +20-30%

3. Genetic consistency and quality control

Monster cropping allows you to create genetically identical copies of your best plants. This is especially valuable when you discover a plant with exceptional characteristics - be it in terms of yield, aroma or drug profile.

By using clones from the flowering phase you can:

  • Keep the quality of your harvest consistent
  • Preserve specific properties such as THC content or terpene profile
  • Effectively "rejuvenate" a mother plant by cloning it and then bringing it back into the vegetative phase

Another notable aspect is potential stress resistance. Plants that have undergone monster cropping often show increased resilience to environmental stressors. This could be due to the hormone fluctuations they go through during the process.


The benefits of monster cropping – explosive growth, time savings, and genetic consistency – make it a highly attractive option for cannabis growers of all experience levels. While there is a bit of a learning curve, the potential rewards far outweigh the initial challenges.

Remember, however, that as with all growing techniques, monster cropping requires practice. Over time, you will learn how to best use this method for your specific needs and goals. The combination of increased yields, time savings, and the ability to preserve your favorite genetics makes monster cropping a technique that will delight any ambitious grower.

4. Monstercropping vs. traditional farming methods: A detailed comparison

To better understand the benefits and challenges of monster cropping, it's helpful to compare this technique directly to traditional farming methods. Let's take a deeper look at the differences.

Growth patterns and plant structure

In traditional methods, cannabis plants typically grow with one main stem and several side branches. Monster cropping, on the other hand, produces plants with a bushier structure and a multitude of main branches.

  • Traditional: More pyramidal with dominant main stem
  • Monster cropping: Bushy with many equal main shoots

These structural differences have a direct impact on light efficiency and yields. Monster cropped plants often use the available light more effectively because more shoots receive direct light.

Cultivation time and cycle

A significant difference lies in the duration and structure of the cultivation cycle:

phase Traditional method Monster cropping
Germination/Cloning 1-2 weeks 1-2 weeks (rooting)
Vegetative phase 4-8 weeks 2-4 weeks (Re-Veg)
Flowering phase 6-10 weeks 6-10 weeks
Total time 11-20 weeks 9-16 weeks

Monster cropping can shorten the overall cycle by 2-4 weeks, which can be a huge advantage for commercial growers.

Earnings potential

While traditional methods deliver reliable yields, monster cropping offers the potential for significantly higher yields per plant:

  • Traditional: Average of 1-2 ounces per square foot under optimal conditions
  • Monster cropping: potential for 1.5-3 ounces per square foot under the same conditions

It is important to note that these numbers can vary greatly depending on factors such as genetics, environment and grower experience.

Complexity and learning curve

Traditional cultivation methods are generally easier to learn and implement. Monster cropping requires a deeper understanding of plant physiology and more practical experience:

  • Traditional: Straightforward process, well documented and easy to learn
  • Monster cropping: Steeper learning curve, requires patience and adaptability

Genetic diversity and consistency

An often overlooked aspect is the impact on genetic diversity:

  • Traditional: Allows easy cross breeding and seed production
  • Monster cropping: Focuses on clones, resulting in higher consistency but potentially lower genetic diversity

Resource efficiency

Monster cropping can be more resource efficient in some aspects:

  • Use of space: More effective in monster cropping due to bushier growth
  • Water consumption: Similar for both methods
  • Nutrient requirements: Tend to be higher with monster cropping due to more intensive growth

Adaptability and stress resistance

Interestingly, monster cropping plants often show increased stress resistance:

  • Traditional: Normal stress tolerance
  • Monstercropping: Potentially increased resistance to environmental stressors

This increased resistance could be due to the hormone fluctuations that the plants go through during the monster cropping process.


Both traditional growing methods and monster cropping have their advantages and disadvantages. While traditional methods are easier and more reliable, monster cropping offers the potential for higher yields and more efficient use of space. Choosing between the two ultimately depends on your specific goals, experience, and resources. Many experienced growers combine both approaches to get the best of both worlds.

5. Expert tips: Avoid common mistakes and optimize your monster cropping results

Monster cropping can produce impressive results, but as with any advanced growing technique, there are some pitfalls you should avoid. Here are some expert tips to optimize your monster cropping results and avoid common mistakes.

1. Right time for clone collection

A common mistake is taking clones at an inopportune time. Experts recommend:

  • Wait until the 2nd-3rd week of the flowering phase
  • Avoid clones of plants that have been flowering for more than 4 weeks

Clones taken too early often do not show the desired monster cropping characteristics, while clones taken too late can have difficulty returning to the vegetative phase.

2. Patience during the transition

Many growers become impatient when their clones do not immediately show explosive growth. Note:

  • The changeover may take 2-3 weeks
  • At first the plants may look strange or unhealthy - this is normal

Give your plants time to adjust. Over-fertilizing or manipulating during this phase can do more harm than good.

3. Adjustment of nutrient supply

Monster cropping plants often have different nutritional needs due to their intensive growth:

  • Start with a light nutrient solution (about 25% of normal strength)
  • Increase the nutrient concentration slowly based on the plant’s response
  • Pay special attention to nitrogen in the early growth phase

A common mistake is over-fertilization during the adaptation phase, which can lead to nutrient burn.

4. Create optimal environmental conditions

Monster cropping plants are often more sensitive to environmental conditions:

factor Optimal range
temperature 20-26°C
humidity 60-70% (initially), 40-50% (later)
Light 18/6 cycle, moderate intensity at the beginning

Pay special attention to good air circulation to avoid mold growth, as monster cropping plants often grow denser.

5. Proper pruning and training

Effective pruning and training are crucial for success:

  • Regularly remove weak or poorly positioned shoots
  • Use LST (Low Stress Training) or Scrog techniques to control growth
  • Be careful with aggressive topping in the first few weeks after switching

A common mistake is pruning too aggressively or too early, which can cause unnecessary stress to the plant.

6. Genetics selection

Not all cannabis strains are equally suitable for monster cropping:

  • Indica-dominant strains often respond better to monster cropping
  • Experiment with different genetics to find the best results

One mistake is to rely on just one strain. Different genetics can react very differently to monster cropping.

7. Documentation and learning process

Keep a detailed grow diary:

  • Record environmental conditions, nutrient levels and growth progress
  • Photograph your plants regularly to document changes
  • Analyze your results after each round and adjust your techniques

Many growers underestimate the importance of documentation. It is the key to continuously improving your monster cropping skills.


Monster cropping is an art that requires patience, attention to detail, and constant learning. By following these expert tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can continually improve your results. Remember that every grow is unique and there is no "one size fits all" solution. Experiment, learn from your experiences, and adapt your techniques accordingly. Over time, you will master the intricacies of monster cropping and produce impressive, high-yielding plants.


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