Expanded Clay Cannabis

Blähton Beutel für den Cannabisanbau Titelbild

1. Introduction to clay granules (expanded clay)

Clay granules, also known as expanded clay, are a popular growing medium in cannabis cultivation. They are made from natural clay that is fired at high temperatures, giving them their characteristic porous structure. This structure offers numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for growing cannabis plants.

What is clay granulate?

Clay granules are made up of small, lightweight beads that have a porous surface. This surface allows for excellent aeration and drainage, which promotes root growth and supports plant health. The beads are chemically inert, meaning they do not release any nutrients or chemicals to the plants, but instead serve only as a physical substrate.

Advantages of clay granules

  • Excellent ventilation:The porous structure of the clay granules provides excellent aeration of the roots, which improves root growth and nutrient absorption.
  • Efficient drainage:Clay granules allow excess water to drain away easily, minimizing the risk of waterlogging and root rot.
  • Longevity:Clay granules can be used multiple times, making them a sustainable and cost-effective choice for cultivation. After harvesting, they can be cleaned and reused.
  • Inert and stable:Because clay granules are chemically inert, they do not affect the pH or nutrient availability in the growing system and remain stable without breaking down.

Disadvantages of clay granules

  • No nutrients:Since clay granules do not contain any nutrients, all required nutrients must be supplied via the irrigation solution. This requires careful monitoring and adjustment of the nutrient solution.
  • Water retention capacity:Clay granules hold less water than other substrates such as coco substrate or soil. This means that the plants need to be watered more frequently to ensure constant moisture.
  • Increased weight:Although clay granules are lighter than soil, they can still be quite heavy in large quantities, which must be taken into account when handling and transporting them.

Use of clay granules in cannabis cultivation

Clay granules can be used in various growing systems, including hydroponics, aquaponics and traditional pot culture. In hydroponic systems, it is often used as a medium for the roots to hang in a nutrient-rich solution. In traditional pot culture, it can be used either alone or in combination with other substrates to improve drainage and aeration.

Legal aspects in Germany

The cultivation of cannabis in Germany is subject to the Cannabis Act (CanG). It is permitted to legally grow up to a maximum of three plants. Make sure that your cultivation complies with the legal regulations.

Further information on the legal situation can be found in the chapterLegal situation.

Clay granules provide an excellent foundation for growing cannabis plants and can help you grow healthy, strong plants. Use the other chapters of our grow guide to get detailed instructions and tips on using clay granules and other cultivation techniques and to deepen your knowledge.

2. Choosing the right clay granules

Choosing the right clay granules (expanded clay) is crucial for the successful cultivation of cannabis plants. The quality of the clay granules can affect the water and nutrient absorption, root development and ultimately the yield of your plants. Here you can find out what to look for when making your selection.

Different grain sizes and their use

Clay granules are available in various grain sizes, which differ in their size and intended use:

  • Fine grain (2-4 mm):This smaller grain size provides a larger surface area for water and nutrient absorption. It is ideal for propagation and systems that require higher humidity.
  • Medium grain (4-8 mm):This grain size is versatile and offers a good balance between water holding capacity and drainage. It is well suited for general cultivation in a variety of cropping systems.
  • Large grain (8-16 mm):This larger grain size provides excellent drainage and aeration, but is less effective at water holding capacity. It is well suited for hydroponic systems and situations where fast drainage is required.

Quality characteristics of high-quality clay granules

When selecting clay granules, you should pay attention to the following quality features:

  • Purity:Make sure that the clay granules are free from contaminants such as dust, dirt or chemical residues. High-quality clay granules should be clean and uniform in size.
  • PH value:The clay granules should have a neutral pH of around 6-7 to ensure optimal nutrient absorption. Check the pH of the substrate before use.
  • Stability:High-quality clay granules should be dimensionally stable and not crumble or dissolve when wet. This ensures long-term use and repeated use.
  • Ventilation and drainage:The clay granules should have a porous structure that allows good aeration of the roots and effective drainage. This is especially important to avoid root rot.

Recommended brands and products

There are many brands that offer high quality clay granules. Here are some recommended products:

  • CANNA Aqua Clay Pebbles:These high quality clay balls are specifically designed for hydroponics and provide excellent drainage and aeration.
  • Hydroton:A widely used and popular clay granulate that is available in various grain sizes and is characterized by its high quality.
  • Gold Label Hydro Correls:These clay balls are pH neutral and provide a stable structure that is ideal for growing cannabis plants.

3. Preparation of the clay granules

Proper preparation of clay granules (expanded clay) is crucial to creating optimal growing conditions for your cannabis plants. Here you will learn how to thoroughly clean the substrate before use, adjust the pH value and prepare it for planting.

Cleaning and rinsing the clay granules

Although clay granules are often sold as pre-washed, additional cleaning is advisable to remove dust and contaminants:

  • Step 1: Pre-cleaning:Place the clay granules in a large sieve or bucket with holes and rinse thoroughly with clean water. This will remove most of the dust and loose particles.
  • Step 2: Soaking:Fill a bucket with water and allow the clay granules to soak for at least 24 hours. This will help loosen stubborn dirt and ensure the granules are fully saturated.
  • Step 3: Final rinse:Rinse the clay granules thoroughly again with fresh water until the runoff water runs clear. This will ensure that all contaminants have been removed.

pH adjustment

The pH of the clay granules can affect the nutrient uptake of your plants, so it is important to adjust the pH before use:

  • Step 1: pH test:Use a pH meter or pH test strips to check the current pH of the clay granule rinse water.
  • Step 2: pH adjustment:If the pH is not in the optimal range of 5.5 to 6.5, adjust it using pH Up or pH Down solutions. Add the solution gradually and test the pH regularly to avoid over-correction.
  • Step 3: Soak in pH-adjusted water:Soak the clay granules again in pH-adjusted water to ensure that the pH of the substrate remains stable.

Planting preparation

After the clay granules have been cleaned and the pH value adjusted, they are ready for planting:

  • Step 1: Prepare the container:Fill the plant containers or pots about one-third full with clay granules to create a good drainage layer.
  • Step 2: Prepare planting holes:Add the clay granules until the containers are almost completely full and prepare planting holes for the seedlings or seeds.
  • Step 3: Planting plants:Carefully place the seedlings or seeds in the prepared holes and lightly cover the roots or seeds with clay granules. Press the substrate down lightly to stabilize the plants.

4. Plant plants in clay granules

Planting cannabis plants in clay granules (expanded clay) requires special techniques to protect the roots and promote healthy growth. In this section, you will learn how to successfully plant seedlings and seedlings in clay granules and how to go about repotting.

Planting seedlings and seedlings

The process of planting seedlings and seedlings in clay granules is crucial to establish the plants stress-free and promote their root growth:

  • Step 1: Preparing the containers:Fill the plant containers or pots about one-third full with clay granules to create a good drainage layer.
  • Step 2: Prepare the sprouts:Make sure the seedlings are healthy and have well-developed roots. Keep the roots moist, but not wet.
  • Step 3: Create planting holes:Add more clay granules until the containers are almost completely full. Create small planting holes in the substrate that are deep enough to accommodate the roots of the seedlings.
  • Step 4: Planting the seedlings:Carefully place the seedlings in the prepared holes and lightly cover the roots with clay granules. Gently press the substrate down to stabilize the plants.
  • Step 5: First watering:Water the freshly planted seedlings with pH-neutral water or a weak nutrient solution to wet the roots and saturate the substrate.

Repotting in clay granules

Repotting cannabis plants in clay granules may be necessary when the plants grow larger and need more space for their roots:

  • Step 1: Preparing the new containers:Choose larger pots or containers and fill them about a third full with clay granules for a good drainage layer.
  • Step 2: Remove plant from the old container:Carefully remove the plant from its current container, being careful not to damage the roots. Gently shake off any excess substrate.
  • Step 3: Create a new planting hole:Fill the new container with clay granules until it is almost full, creating a hole large enough to accommodate the plant's root ball.
  • Step 4: Planting the plant:Carefully place the plant in the hole and cover the roots with clay granules. Press the substrate down lightly to stabilize the plant.
  • Step 5: Watering after repotting:Water the plant thoroughly to saturate the clay granules and moisten the roots. Use pH-neutral water or an adapted nutrient solution.

5. Irrigation and drainage

Irrigation and drainage play a crucial role when growing cannabis plants in clay granules (expanded clay). The porous structure of the clay granules offers excellent drainage properties, but also requires a special irrigation technique to ensure optimal growing conditions.

Irrigation techniques for clay granules

The right irrigation technique is essential to ensure that plants receive sufficient water and nutrients without waterlogging:

  • Regular watering:Clay granules hold less water than other substrates such as soil or coco substrate, so you will need to water them more often. Make sure that the substrate remains evenly moist.
  • Automated irrigation systems:Using automated irrigation systems such as drip irrigation or irrigation rings can help optimize irrigation and ensure that plants receive a consistent supply of water.
  • Overhead or sub-irrigation:Both methods are possible. Overhead watering involves watering directly onto the surface of the substrate, while submerged watering involves putting water into the drip tray under the pot so that the roots can absorb it.
  • Nutrient solution:Use a pH-adjusted nutrient solution for irrigation. Check the pH and EC (electrical conductivity) regularly to ensure that the plants are receiving the correct amounts of nutrients.

Ensure optimal drainage

Good drainage is crucial to avoid root rot and other moisture problems:

  • Drainage holes:Make sure the planting containers have adequate drainage holes to allow excess water to drain quickly. This prevents waterlogging and promotes root aeration.
  • Drainage layer:Place a layer of clay granules on the bottom of the planting containers before adding the rest of the substrate. This layer improves drainage and allows water to drain away more quickly.
  • Periodic review:Regularly check the moisture content of the substrate and the drainage capacity of the containers. If there are signs of waterlogging, take measures to improve drainage, e.g. by adding more drainage holes or adjusting the watering frequency.
  • Drip tray:Use a drip tray under the planting containers to catch excess water. Be sure to empty the tray regularly to avoid standing water.

6. Nutrient management

Effective nutrient management is crucial for successfully growing cannabis plants in clay granules (expanded clay). Since clay granules do not contain any nutrients themselves, all required nutrients must be supplied via the irrigation solution. In this section, you will learn how to optimize nutrient management to ensure healthy and productive plants.

Essential nutrients for cannabis plants

Cannabis plants require a variety of macro and micronutrients for optimal growth:

  • Macronutrients:Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the three main nutrients that are needed in larger amounts. These nutrients support vegetative growth, flowering and general plant development.
  • Secondary macronutrients:Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) are also important for plant growth and health. These nutrients support various physiological processes in the plant.
  • Micronutrients:Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), boron (B) and chlorine (Cl) are required in smaller amounts but are essential for optimal plant development.

pH and EC value control

Controlling the pH and EC (electrical conductivity) of the nutrient solution is crucial to ensure that plants can absorb nutrients efficiently:

  • PH value:The ideal pH for the nutrient solution in clay granules is between 5.5 and 6.5. A pH outside this range can affect nutrient uptake. Use pH-Up or pH-Down solutions to regulate the pH of the nutrient solution.
  • EC value:The EC value indicates the concentration of dissolved salts in the nutrient solution. For cannabis plants in clay granules, the EC value should be between 1.0 and 2.0 mS/cm, depending on the growth phase. Check the EC value regularly and adjust the nutrient concentration accordingly.

Nutrient solutions and fertilization schemes

Using a balanced nutrient solution is crucial for healthy plant growth:

  • Balanced nutrient solutions:Use special nutrient solutions designed for growing in clay granules. These solutions contain the correct ratios of macro and micronutrients.
  • Fertilization scheme:Create a fertilization schedule based on the different growth phases of your plants. In the vegetative phase, plants need more nitrogen, while in the flowering phase the need for phosphorus and potassium increases.
  • Regular adjustments:Regularly adjust the nutrient solution to your plants' needs. Check the plants for signs of nutrient deficiencies or excesses and adjust the nutrient concentration accordingly.

7. Care

Regular care of your cannabis plants in clay granules (expanded clay) is crucial to ensure healthy growth and a rich harvest. In this section, you will learn how to optimally care for your plants and what measures are necessary to maintain the substrate.

Regular care of your plants

Continuous care of your plants is essential to keep them healthy and strong:

  • Plant monitoring:Check your plants daily for signs of pests, diseases or nutrient deficiencies. Early detection allows for quick countermeasures.
  • Irrigation:Keep the clay granules evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging. Monitor the moisture of the substrate regularly and adjust watering to the needs of the plants.
  • Nutrient addition:Feed your plants regularly with a balanced nutrient solution. Adjust the nutrient supply to the different growth phases for optimal results.
  • pH and EC value:Check the pH and EC of the nutrient solution regularly to ensure that the plants can absorb the nutrients efficiently.
  • Pruning and training:Prune your plants regularly to encourage bushy growth and improve light penetration. Consider techniques such as LST (Low Stress Training) or SCROG (Screen of Green) to maximize yields.

Maintenance of clay granules

The clay granules themselves also require regular maintenance to maintain their effectiveness:

  • Regular rinsing:Rinse the clay granules with clean water every few weeks to remove salt and nutrient deposits. This prevents the accumulation of harmful substances and improves nutrient absorption.
  • Check for contamination:Check the substrate for signs of mold or algae. Remove affected areas and ensure good ventilation to avoid such problems.
  • Reuse of the substrate:After harvesting, you can clean the clay granules and reuse them. Rinse thoroughly to remove any root debris and impurities and re-buffer to adjust the pH.

8. Pests and diseases in clay granules

Even when grown in clay granules (expanded clay), cannabis plants can be affected by pests and diseases. Early detection and treatment of these problems is crucial to maintaining healthy plants. In this section, you will learn how to identify common pests and diseases and what measures you can take to prevent and treat them.

Common pests in clay granules

Pests can cause significant damage to your plants. Here are some of the most common pests that can appear in clay granules:

  • Spider mites:These tiny pests suck plant sap and can leave fine webs. They are difficult to spot, so regular control is important. Control them with predatory mites or neem oil.
  • Thrips:These small, wing-like insects cause silvery spots on leaves. Use blue sticky traps and organic insecticides to control them.
  • Fungus gnats:Their larvae feed on the roots and can cause root damage. Keep the substrate dry and use nematodes to control the larvae.

Common diseases in clay granules

Diseases can also be a problem and affect plant growth:

  • Root rot:This disease is caused by overwatering and poor drainage. The roots become brown and slimy. Improve drainage and reduce watering.
  • Powdery mildew:A white, powdery coating on the leaves caused by poor air circulation and high humidity. Improve ventilation and remove affected leaves.
  • Grey mould (Botrytis):This fungal disease causes gray, mold-like spots on flowers and leaves. Remove infected plant parts and reduce the humidity.

Prevention and treatment

Preventive measures are the best way to prevent pests and diseases:

  • Clean growing environment:Keep your grow room clean and free of plant debris. Sterilize tools and containers regularly.
  • Regular controll:Check your plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases. Early detection allows for quick countermeasures.
  • Good ventilation:Ensure good air circulation to control humidity and prevent mold growth.
  • Biological pest control:Use beneficial organisms such as predatory mites or nematodes to control pests naturally.
  • Neem oil and biological insecticides:Use neem oil and other organic insecticides to control pests without harming the environment.

9. Reuse and disposal

Clay granules (expanded clay) are a durable and reusable substrate that can be used over several growing cycles if properly cared for. In this section, you will learn how to effectively regenerate and reuse the clay granules and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way.

Regeneration of clay granules

After harvesting your cannabis plants, the clay granules can be cleaned and prepared for the next growing cycle:

  • Step 1: Remove the root remains:Remove all plant and root debris from the clay granules. Use a sieve to remove coarse particles.
  • Step 2: Thorough cleaning:Rinse the clay granules with clean water to remove loose particles and salts. Fill a bucket with water and let the granules soak for several hours, stirring occasionally to loosen stubborn dirt.
  • Step 3: Disinfection:To ensure that all pathogens and pests are killed, you can soak the clay granules in a hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) or disinfect them in a solution of 10% bleach. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Step 4: pH adjustment:Re-soak the clay granules in a pH-adjusted solution (pH 5.5-6.5) to stabilize the pH and ensure it is ready for reuse.

Environmentally friendly disposal

When the clay granulate has reached the end of its life and can no longer be used, environmentally friendly disposal is important:

  • Recycling:Clay granules can be reused in many gardening projects, for example as drainage material in plant pots or as a soil additive in the garden to improve soil structure.
  • Disposal:If the clay granules need to be disposed of, make sure to dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner. Find out about local regulations regarding the disposal of garden waste and recyclable materials.
  • Composting:Although clay granules are not biodegradable, they can be used in compost piles to improve aeration and regulate moisture.

10. Tips and tricks for successful cultivation in clay granules

Growing cannabis plants in clay granules (expanded clay) offers many benefits, but requires specific techniques and knowledge to achieve optimal results. Here are some tried and tested tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your clay granule grow.

Optimal preparation and use

  • Thorough cleaning:Before first use, carefully prepare the clay granules by rinsing and soaking them thoroughly. This will remove dust and impurities that could interfere with nutrient absorption.
  • pH stabilization:Stabilize the pH of the clay granules by soaking them in pH-adjusted water (pH 5.5-6.5). This ensures optimal nutrient absorption by the roots.
  • Choose the right grain size:Choose the appropriate clay granule size based on your growing system. Fine grits are ideal for propagation, while larger grits are better suited for hydroponic systems.

Effective irrigation and nutrient management

  • Frequent watering:Since clay granules hold less water than other substrates, you should water more frequently but in smaller amounts to ensure consistent moisture.
  • Nutrient solution:Use a balanced nutrient solution specifically formulated for growing in clay granules. Check the pH and EC of the solution regularly to ensure optimal nutrient supply.
  • Automated systems:Automated irrigation systems such as drip irrigation or irrigation rings can help to make irrigation efficient and provide plants with a uniform supply.

Care and monitoring

  • Regular checks:Check your plants regularly for signs of pests, diseases or nutrient deficiencies. Early detection allows for quick countermeasures.
  • Air circulation:Make sure there is good ventilation to avoid mold and moisture problems. A fan can help improve air circulation.
  • Pruning and training:Regular pruning and training of plants promotes bushy growth and improves light penetration. Techniques such as LST (Low Stress Training) or SCROG (Screen of Green) can maximize yield.

Sustainable use and disposal

  • Regeneration of clay granules:After harvesting, you can clean the clay granules and reuse them. Rinse them thoroughly and disinfect them to remove all contaminants and pathogens.
  • Environmentally friendly disposal:When the clay granules reach the end of their life, dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner. Find out about local regulations regarding disposal and recycling.
  • Reuse in the garden:Clay granules can also be used in other gardening projects, e.g. as drainage material in plant pots or to improve soil structure.

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